HomecongressIAC-11E1Catalogsymposium E1Sessions by date-timeTOCDate: 2011-10-0315:00Date: 2011-10-0410:0015:00Date: 2011-10-0515:00Date: 2011-10-0610:0015:00Date: 2011-10-0709:0014:002011-10-03 15:00E1.1. Lift Off - Primary and Secondary Space Education2011-10-04 10:00E1.2. On Track - Undergraduate And Postgraduate Space Education2011-10-04 15:00E1.4. Calling Planet Earth - Space Outreach To The General Public2011-10-05 15:00E1.3. Enabling The Future – Developing the Project Management and the Technical Space Workforce2011-10-06 10:00E1.8. Space Education and Outreach2011-10-06 15:00E1.5. New Worlds - Innovative Space Education And Outreach2011-10-07 09:00E1.6. Water From Space: Societal, Educational and Cultural Aspects2011-10-07 14:00E1.7.-A1.8. Living In Space - Education And Outreach In Space Life Sciences and infrastructure development for capacity building