session 4
Mission Design, Operations and Optimisation (1)
- type
- Description
The theme covers design, operations and optimisation of Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions, with emphasis on studies and experiences related to current and future missions.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Chairman: Mr. Nicolas Bérend, ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, France;
Chairman: Prof. Michèle Lavagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
Rapporteur: Prof. Kathleen Howell, Purdue University, United States;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 30' | confirmed | Dr. Junichiro Kawaguchi | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | ||
2 | Hybrid low-thrust transfers to eight-shaped orbits for polar observation | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Jeannette Heiligers | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | |
3 | Enhancing Planetary Exploration by Using Hybrid Propulsion Transfers | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Francesco Topputo | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
4 | 15' | confirmed | Dr. masaki nakamiya | Kyoto University | Japan | ||
5 | Low-thrust Interplanetary Transfer Design by Evolving Freeform Artificial Neural Networks | 15' | withdrawn | Dr. Shuguang Li | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
6 | Extension of Finite Perturbative Elements for Multi-Revolution Low-Thrust Transfer Optimisation | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Federico Zuiani | University of Glasgow, Space Advanced Research Team | United Kingdom | |
7 | Mission analysis and orbit control strategy for a space mission on a polar tundra orbit | 15' | confirmed | Ms. Valentina Boccia | Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” | Italy | |
8 | High Area-to-Mass Ratio Hybrid Propulsion Earth to Moon Transfers in the CR3BP | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Willem van der Weg | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | |
9 | Mission Design and Analysis for the DEIMOS-2 Earth Observation Mission | 15' | confirmed | Ms. Stefania Cornara | Deimos Space S.L. | Spain | |
10 | Particle Swarm Optimization of Ascending Trajectories of Multistage Rockets | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Mauro Pontani | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
11 | Optimization of lunar soft landing trajectory based on hybrid method | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Tao Cao | Shanghai Aerospace Control Engineering Institute | China | |
12 | Constellations of inclined heliotropic orbits for enhanced Earth coverage | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Camilla Colombo | University of Southampton | Italy |