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    IAC-13 — 64th International Astronautical Congress


    The Space Propulsion Symposium addresses sub-orbital, Earth to orbit and in-space propulsion. The general areas considered include both chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion, air-breathing propulsion, and combined air-breathing and rocket systems. Typical specific propulsion categories of interest are liquid, sold and hybrid rocket systems, ramjet, scramjet, and various combinations of air-breathing and rocket propulsion and nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems. The Symposium is concerned with component technologies, the operation and application to missions of overall propulsion systems and unique propulsion test facilities.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Richard Blott
    British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    David Micheletti
    Universal Technical Resource ServicesUnited States

    C4.1. Propulsion System (1)

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of Liquid Rocket Engines.


    Max Calabro
    The Inner ArchFrance

    Christophe Bonhomme
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Walter Zinner

    C4.2. Propulsion System (2)

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of Solid and Hybrid Propulsion.


    Stéphane Henry

    I-Shih Chang
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Toru Shimada
    Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration AgencyJapan

    C4.3. Propulsion Technology

    This session includes all science and technologies supporting all aspects of space propulsion. The emphasis in this session is plased in particular on components for propulsion.


    John Harlow
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited Kingdom

    George Schmidt
    NASA Glenn Research CenterUnited States


    Didier Boury
    ArianeGroup SASFrance

    C4.4. Electric Propulsion

    This session is dedicated to all aspects of electric propulsion technologies, systems and applications.


    Garri A. Popov
    Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAIRussian Federation

    Mariano Andrenucci
    Independent consultantItaly


    Norbert Puettmann
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    C4.5. Special session: Thematic Workshop with Professionals and Students

    Scope of this session is to stimulate papers from professionals and students, subjects of high interest and to debate the proposed solutions during the session. Chair persons will act as moderators. Papers on Hypersonic and Combined Cycle Propulsion will be particularly welcomed for this session.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Richard Blott
    British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom


    Jacques Gigou
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    C4.6. New Missions Enabled by New Propulsion Technology and Systems

    Many missions are precluded by limitations on current propulsion technologies and systems. The session will explore concepts for new missions that can be enabled by specific advancements in propulsion and/or integration of various propulsion technologies and systems.


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    David A. Micheletti
    MSE Technology Applications, Inc.United States


    Jerrol Littles
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited States

    C4.7-C3.5. Joint Session on Nuclear Propulsion and Power

    This session, organised jointly between the Space Power and the Space Propulsion Symposium, includes papers addressing all aspects related to nuclear power and propulsion for space applications.


    Leopold Summerer
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Mariano Andrenucci
    Independent consultantItaly

    C4.8. Advanced and Combined Propulsion Systems

    The session is for the presentation of advanced propulsion concepts being studied or considered. The advanced concepts should seek to deliver breakthroughs in overcoming the limitations of propulsion systems in current use or development. For advanced concepts technologies should normally be in the range TRL 0 to TRL 2. Advanced concepts with higher TRL technologies may also be presented where a combination of propulsion technologies can lead to performance breakthroughs which can not be achieved with a single technology. A combination can include for example both chemical and electric or solid and liquid chemical.


    Jacques Gigou
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Richard Blott
    British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom


    William W. Smith
    Aerojet RocketdyneUnited States

    C4.9. Hypersonic and Combined Cycle Propulsion

    This session covers papers on space propulsion application and R&D with a wide range of interest.


    Salvatore Borrelli
    CIRA Italian Aerospace Research CentreItaly

    Shigeru Aso
    Kurume Institute of TechnologyJapan


    Patrick Danous

    C4.P. Poster Session


    Richard Blott
    British Interplanetary SocietyUnited Kingdom

    David Micheletti
    Universal Technical Resource ServicesUnited States

    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France