session P
- Title
Poster Session
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Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | Commercialization of Space: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges for Active Debris Removal | withdrawn | Dr. Rushi Ghadawala | Aryavarta Space Organization | India | ||
2 | Numerical study on debris cloud behind Al/Mg wave impedance-grade bumper | withdrawn | Dr. Mingqiang Hou | China | |||
3 | Ms. Li Chai | The Academy of Equipment | China | ||||
4 | A High-Precision DF Method with Double Station based on Phase-Differential Measure | Prof. Yu tao | The 51 st Research Institute of CETC | China | |||
5 | A system concept for the active space debris removal demonstration mission | withdrawn | Dr. Lihua Zhang | DFH Satellite Co. Ltd. | China | ||
6 | a spaceborne debris surveillance radar based on multistatic cross array | withdrawn | Mr. Wei Xiang | China | |||
7 | Kinetic characteristics of satellites in tether drag deorbiting | withdrawn | Dr. Guowei Zhao | Beihang University | China | ||
8 | a conjunction risk assessment method for F-value based on two-line elements | confirmed | Mr. Chaowei Ma | Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunication Technology (BITTT) | China | ||
9 | withdrawn | Mr. Makoto Tagawa | Kyushu University | Japan | |||
10 | The CanX-7 Deorbit Mission: Demonstrating Deorbiting Technologies for Micro and Nanosatellites | confirmed | Mr. Thomas Sears | Space Flight Laboratory, University of Toronto | Canada | ||
11 | optical observation, image-processing, and detection of space debris in geosynchronous earth orbit | withdrawn | Dr. Hiroshi ODA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | ||
12 | relative determination for non-cooperative spacecraft based on binocular vision system | confirmed | Mr. Cai Han | China | |||
13 | Mr. Sourabh Kaushal | Engineer | India | ||||
14 | Practical Particle Impact Risk Assessment in Satellite Projects | withdrawn | Mr. Jan-Christian Meyer | OHB System AG-Bremen | Germany | ||
15 | Collision probability assessment for Active Debris Removal missions | confirmed | Mr. Aleksander Lidtke | University of Southampton | United Kingdom | ||
16 | confirmed | Mr. Maximilian Sommer | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |||
17 | confirmed | Mr. Seyed Ali Nasseri | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Canada | |||
18 | studies of the mechanical properties of self-healing composites in a space environment | confirmed | Mr. Mehdi Sabzalian | Concordia University | Canada | ||
19 | Multi-target Tracking Management for a Multifunctional Radar in Space Situational Awareness | confirmed | Dr. Hai Jiang | National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | ||
20 | Behavior of ejectors at oblique collision for developing a debris shield | confirmed | Ms. Hiroka Hamatani | Kogakuin University | Japan | ||
22 | research on charging effect of small & medium-sized space debris in ionosphere plasma environment | withdrawn | Dr. Weijie Wang | Academy of Equipment | China | ||
23 | The impact of growing Space Debris on third-party-liability insurance | confirmed | Ms. Anja Nakarada Pecujlic | University of Vienna | Austria | ||
24 | Study of a harpoon with a foam injection system for debris mitigation. | withdrawn | Mr. Idriss Sisaid | Cranfield University | France | ||
25 | withdrawn | Ms. Rose Tasker | Australia | ||||
26 | withdrawn | Mr. Naman Vaidya | Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University | India | |||
27 | a collaborative approach to space debris mitigation using de-orbit kit technology | Mr. Jean-Pierre Coadou | Nova Shell Materials Technologies | Canada | |||
28 | confirmed | Dr. Yakov Shatrov | Central Research Institute for Machine Building (FGUP TSNIIMASH) | Russian Federation | |||
29 | confirmed | Mr. Anatolii Lohvynenko | Yuzhnoye State Design Office | Ukraine | |||
30 | Ariane 4 H10 target orbital thermal analysis and IR recognition | withdrawn | Dr. Ciro Borriello | Aviospace S.R.L | Italy | ||
31 | confirmed | Ms. Francesca Letizia | University of Southampton | United Kingdom | |||
32 | SOME DESIGN APPROACHES TO PREVENT AND LIMIT THE NEAR-EARTH SPACE DEBDIS GENERATION | confirmed | Mr. Gennadiy Osinovyy | Yuzhnoye State Design Office | Ukraine | ||
33 | confirmed | Mr. Fa-wei Ke | China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC) | China | |||
34 | Using MLIs as Hypervelocity impact mitigation: An unintended test in orbit. | withdrawn | Mr. Ronnie Nader | Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA) | Ecuador | ||
35 | confirmed | Mr. Mitsuhiko Tasaki | Kyushu University | Japan | |||
36 | confirmed | Prof. Alessandro Francesconi | University of Padova - DII/CISAS | Italy | |||
37 | confirmed | Dr. Xiaoxiang Zhang | China | ||||
38 | new method of echo detection for diffuse reflection laser ranging of space debris | Dr. Kunpeng Wang | China | ||||
39 | confirmed | Mr. Nikolay Panichkin | Central Research Institute of Machine Building (FSUE/TSNIIMASH) | Russian Federation | |||
40 | confirmed | Ms. Melissa Zemoura | Kyushu University | Japan | |||
41 | confirmed | Mrs. Susanne Peters | Universität der Bundeswehr München | Germany | |||
42 | The Dynamics of Tethered Debris With Flexible Appendages and Residual Fuel | withdrawn | Prof. Vladimir S. Aslanov | Samara National Research University (Samara University) | Russian Federation | ||
43 | Mitigating Orbital Debris in LEO with High Power Pulsed Laser | Mr. Alaa Hussein | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | |||
44 | Recycling Space Junk: Resource Harvesting as a Solution for Orbital Debris | withdrawn | Ms. Zahra Khan | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | ||
45 | confirmed | Mr. Richard Rembala | MDA Space Missions | Canada | |||
46 | Estimation of Inertia Parameters of a Space Debris for Its Tether-Assisted Removal | withdrawn | Mrs. Fan Zhang | McGill University | Canada | ||
47 | confirmed | Mr. Igor Usovik | Central Research Institute for Machine Building (FGUP TSNIIMASH) | Russian Federation | |||
48 | Deriving a priority list based on the environmental criticality | confirmed | Mr. Christopher Kebschull | Technische Universität Braunschweig | Germany | ||
49 | Effects of temperature of targets on ejecta size distribution in hypervelocity impact | confirmed | Dr. Masahiro Nishida | Nagoya Institute of Technology | Japan | ||
50 | confirmed | Mr. Jan Hupfer | Fraunhofer EMI | Germany | |||
51 | confirmed | Dr. Eugene Levin | Electrodynamic Technologies, LLC | United States | |||
52 | confirmed | Mr. Joseph Carroll | Tether Applications, Inc. | United States | |||
53 | confirmed | Mr. Engelbert Plescher | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | |||
54 | Collisions Probabilities and Mitigations Strategies of the QB50 Network | confirmed | Mr. Diederik Florijn | Delft University of Technology (TUD) | The Netherlands | ||
55 | sizing of an electrodynamic tether to deorbit debris in low earth orbit | confirmed | Mr. Antoine ARVEILLER | ESTACA | French Guiana | ||
56 | Ms. Tatyana V. Labutkina | Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles' Gonchar | Ukraine | ||||
57 | confirmed | Dr. Carsten Wiedemann | Technical University of Braunschweig | Germany | |||
58 | confirmed | Dr. Hugh G. Lewis | University of Southampton | United Kingdom | |||
59 | Modeling dynamics of tethered small satellite for de-orbiting | confirmed | Mr. Shantanu Shahane | Indian Institute of Technology | India | ||
60 | withdrawn | Ms. Jingjing Hu | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |||
61 | design of a flexible satellite system for the mitigation of large sized orbital debris | confirmed | Mr. Christopher Gover | Carleton Univeristy | Canada | ||
62 | Numerical study on debris cloud behind Al/Mg wave impedance-grade bumper | confirmed | Prof.Dr. Zizheng GONG | China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China | ||
63 | confirmed | Mr. Phil Smith | Bryce Space and Technology | United States | |||
64 | withdrawn | Mr. Logesh Sadasivam | SRM University, kattankulathur,chennai,INDIA | India | |||
65 | Basic Experiment on Electromagnetic Irradiation Caused by Hypervelocity Impact | confirmed | Mr. Masakazu Kobayashi | Tokai University | Japan | ||
66 | the research of residual fuel estimation and drain judge method in satellite end-of-life disposal | withdrawn | Mr. LUO LIANG | China | |||
67 | study on debris shield stuffed with aerogel/fiberglass composite | confirmed | Mr. Xuezhong Wen | China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC) | China | ||
68 | Detection and Tracking of Debris using Space-borne Platforms | confirmed | Prof. Andrew Dempster | University of New South Wales | Australia | ||
69 | confirmed | Mr. Jin Choi | University of Science & Technology | Korea, Republic of | |||
70 | Optical technologies for observation of low earth orbit objects | confirmed | Dr. Daniel Hampf | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | ||
71 | Motion and Control of Debris Capture with Super Multi-link Space Manipulator | confirmed | Mr. Yoshito TSUJIMOTO | Yokohama National University | Japan | ||
72 | SPACE DEBRIS AND ASTEROIDS DETECTION FROM TOPPO DI CASTELGRANDE OBSERVATORY | confirmed | Dr. Vladimir Agapov | Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS | Russian Federation | ||
73 | the effect of specular reflectance on space target detecting | Dr. DEXIAN ZENG | Academy of Equipment | China | |||
74 | survey and origin identification of breakup debris using time delay integration method | confirmed | Mr. Yuki SETO | Kyushu University | Japan | ||
75 | integrated analysis of space environment effects on space-based visible camera | confirmed | Dr. DEXIAN ZENG | Academy of Equipment | China | ||
76 | Space Debris Remediation Using Solutions for On-Orbit Servicing | confirmed | Dr. Peter Hofmann | OHB System AG - Munich | Germany | ||
77 | design and analysis of a drag sail to de-orbit low earth orbit satellites | confirmed | Mr. Mir Mohammad Furqan | Siddaganga Institute of Technology | India | ||
78 | Automatic object tracking for Space based space debris observation | confirmed | Mr. Francesco Diprima | Italy | |||
79 | confirmed | Dr. Gioacchino Scire | Italy | ||||
80 | withdrawn | Ms. Assal Soumekh | Amirkabir University of Technology | Iran | |||
81 | confirmed | Mr. Alaa Hussein | University of Sussex | United Kingdom | |||
82 | Deployable Drag Device for Launch Vehicle Upper Stage De-Orbit | confirmed | Ms. Alexandra Long | School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | ||
83 | withdrawn | Dr. Steve Jolly | Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company) | United States | |||
84 | confirmed | Dr. Toshifumi Yanagisawa | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |||
– | Control scheme of tether drag deorbit system in orbital plane | confirmed | Dr. Liang Sun | Beihang University | China |