symposium E1
- Title
- Description
This symposium deals with activities, methods and techniques for formal and informal space education at different educational levels, space outreach to the general public, space workforce development, etc. Each of the sessions in the symposium features an invited key note speaker followed by presentation of selected papers. Symposium sessions may also include panel discussions. When submitting abstracts for consideration, please note that: - Papers should have clear education or outreach content - technical details of projects, even if carried out in an educational context, will not usually qualify. - Papers reporting on programmes/activities that have already taken place will usually be received more favourably than those dealing with concepts and plans for the future. - More weight will usually be given to papers that clearly identify target groups, benefits, lessons-learned, good practive and that include measures of critical assessment. Papers covering topics/activities which have been reported at a prior IAC must state this explicitly and detail both the additional information to be presented and the added value that will results.
- IPC members
Coordinator: Dr. Naomi Mathers, Space Industry Association of Australia, Australia;
Coordinator: Dr. Chris Welch, France;
Title | Date | Room |
2014-09-29 15:15 | 716B | |
2014-09-30 09:45 | 716B | |
2014-09-30 14:45 | 716B | |
2014-10-01 09:45 | 716B | |
2014-10-01 14:45 | 716B | |
6. Calling Planet Earth - Space Outreach to the General Public | 2014-10-02 09:45 | 716B |
2014-10-02 14:45 | 716B | |
2014-10-03 09:45 | 716B | |
9. Space Culture: Innovative Approaches for Public Engagement in Space | 2014-10-03 13:30 | 716B |
10-YPVF.5. Social Media for Space Education and Outreach Young Professional Virtual Forum | 2014-09-30 09:45 | 711 |
2014-10-01 13:15 | Prefunction |