Technical programme
IAC-14 — 65th International Astronautical Congress
History of space science, technology & development, rocketry, personal memoirs. The entire spectrum of space history, at least 25 years old, is covered, as well as history of rocketry & astronautics in Canada and an overview of early SETI activities.
- Coordinator
A. Ingemar Skoog
— GermanyPhilippe Jung
Airbus SAS — FranceChristophe Rothmund
Airbus Safran Launchers — FranceMarsha Freeman
21st Century Science & Technology — United States
E4.1. Memoirs & organisational histories
Autobiographical & biographical memoirs of individuals who have made original contributions to the development & application of astronautics & rocketry. History of government, industrial, academic & professional societies & organisations long engaged in astronautical endeavours.
- Co-Chair
Marsha Freeman
21st Century Science & Technology — United StatesSusan McKenna-Lawlor
Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd. — Ireland
- Rapporteur
Theo Pirard
Space Information Center — BelgiumNiklas Reinke
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) — Germany
E4.2. Scientific & technical histories
Historical summaries of rocket & space programs, and the corresponding technical & scientific achievements.
- Co-Chair
Kerrie Dougherty
— AustraliaHervé Moulin
- Rapporteur
Christophe Rothmund
Airbus Safran Launchers — FranceWilliam Jones
— United States
E4.3. History of Canadian contribution to astronautics and history on early SETI activities
Special session with invited & proposed speakers. Origin (technical & political aspects) of the space activities & programs of Canada. Historical overview of some early SETI activities.
- Co-Chair
Geoffrey Languedoc
Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI) — CanadaOtfrid G. Liepack
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory — United States
- Rapporteur
Philippe Cosyn
Independent scholar — Belgium