session P
- Title
Poster Session
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- Date
- Time
- Room
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | From a Practical Problem to a Legal Solution for Space Debris | withdrawn | Mr. Ewoud Hacke | Belgium | |||
2 | confirmed | Mr. Hannes Mayer | Austria | ||||
3 | withdrawn | Ms. Rafika Shari'ah Mohd Hassan | Malaysia | ||||
4 | confirmed | Mrs. Juliana Scavuzzi | Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law | Canada | |||
5 | confirmed | Mr. Juan Pablo Vargas Pallini | Colombia | ||||
6 | An Alternative to the ‘Peaceful Purposes’ Formula of the Outer Space Treaty 1967 | confirmed | Dr. Maria Pozza | 1) University of Otago (New Zealand) | New Zealand | ||
7 | legal issues concerning the use of natural resources on the Moon rising from additive manufacturing | confirmed | Ms. Yangzi Tao | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | ||
8 | Making more 'Space' for Mankind-Challenges in governing Space Colonization | Ms. Nandini Paliwal | National Law University, Delhi | India | |||
9 | Bigelow Aerospace’s claim to Lunar Property Rights: Is the Outer Space Treaty so ambiguous? | Mr. Nishith Mishra | High Court of Delhi/Supreme Court of India | India | |||
10 | A REFLECTION ON THE SANCTITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE 'CORPUS JURIS SPATIALIS' IN THE 21ST CENTURY | Mr. Nishith Mishra | High Court of Delhi/Supreme Court of India | India | |||
11 | The Legal Regulations of Compass Satellite Navigation System | withdrawn | Prof. Haifeng Zhao | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | ||
12 | withdrawn | Ms. Karina Wardak | Germany |