symposium E7
Affilated company | country | papers | |
Aganaba-Jeanty, Timiebi | Novaspace | Canada | |
Antoni, Ntorina | International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University | The Netherlands | |
Aoki, Setsuko | Keio University | Japan | |
Baruah, Rishiraj | Gujarat National Law University | India | |
Beard, Jack | University of Nebraska, College of Law | United States | |
Bergamasco, Federico | International Institute of Air & Space Law, Leiden | The Netherlands | |
Blake, Richard | International Space University (ISU) | Australia | |
Blount, PJ | LL.M. in Air and Space Law | United States | |
Boulle, Edmond | ESA | France | |
Catalano Sgrosso, Gabriella | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Chatterjee, Joyeeta | Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University | Canada | |
Chatzipanagiotis, Michail | Greece | ||
Chauhan, Anjali | Aryavarta Space Organization | India | |
Ciardullo, Christina | International Space University (ISU) | United States | |
Cohen, Brendan | Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP | United States | |
Cyr, Philippe | International Space University (ISU) | Canada | |
DE OLIVEIRA BITTENCOURT NETO, OLAVO | Catholic University of Santos | Brazil | |
De Witt, Leehandi | Space Commercial Services | South Africa | |
Doldirina, Catherine | Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission | Italy | |
Dos Santos, Alvaro Fabricio | Advocacy General of the Union - AGU | Brazil | |
Duskalieva, Almira | Russian Federation | ||
Ehrenfreund, Pascale | Space Policy Institute, George Washington University | United States | |
Ferrazzani, Marco | European Space Agency (ESA) | France | |
Force, Melissa K. | MK Force Consultants | United States | |
Freeland, Steven | University of Western Sydney | Australia | |
Froehlich, Annette | European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) | Austria | |
GOURINAT, Yves | Université de Toulouse, ISAE, ICA | France | |
Ghadawala, Rushi | Aryavarta Space Organization | India | |
Hacke, Ewoud | Belgium | ||
Hashimoto, Yasuaki | National Institute for Defense Studies | Japan | |
He, Jing | China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) | China | |
Hearsey, Christopher | Bigelow Aerospace | United States | |
Henri, Yvon | International Telecommunication Union (ITU) | Switzerland | |
Hertzfeld, Henry | Space Policy Institute, George Washington University | United States | |
Hofmann, Mahulena | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | |
Howard, Diane | Embry-Riddle Astronautical University | United States | |
Hubbard, Robert | International Space University (ISU) | United States | |
Jakhu, Ram S. | McGill University | Canada | |
Jimenez, Felipe | Colombia | ||
Jimenez-Monroy, Cynthia | OnAir | Switzerland | |
KOZUKA, SOUICHIROU | Gakushuin University | Japan | |
Kaul, Ranjana | Dua Associates | India | |
Kazemi, Hamid | Iran | ||
Krolikowski, Alanna | Harvard University | United States | |
Kuepers, Lisa | Germany | ||
Kyriakopoulos, George | National and Kapodistrian University Of Athens | Greece | |
Lal, Bhavya | Science and Technology Policy Institute | United States | |
Larsen, Paul | Georgetown University Law Center | United States | |
Lauria, Rita | University of Southern California | United States | |
Li, Jiangang | China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) | China | |
Long, George Anthony | United States | ||
Loukakis, Andreas | Luxembourg | ||
Lu, Zhuoyan | University of Lapland | Finland | |
Masuda, Fumiko | Kyoto University | Japan | |
Mayer, Hannes | Austria | ||
Mehta, Yash | United States | ||
Mineiro, Michael | Science and Technology Policy Institute | United States | |
Minwen, LIAO | China University of Political Science and Law | China | |
Mishra, Nishith | High Court of Delhi/Supreme Court of India | India | |
Moens, Sarah | Ghent University | Belgium | |
Mohd Hassan, Rafika Shari'ah | Malaysia | ||
Monserrat-Filho, José | Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) | Brazil | |
Moro-Aguilar, Rafael | Orbspace | Austria | |
Moroz, Michal | International Space University (ISU) | Poland | |
Morozova, Elina | Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications | Russian Federation | |
Mostert, Sias | Space Commercial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd | South Africa | |
Mousavi Sameh, Seyedeh Mahboubeh | Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University | Canada | |
Murarka, Pooja | Aryavarta Space Organization | India | |
Ospina, Sylvia | S. Ospina & Associates - Consultants | United States | |
Oštir, Krištof | SPACE-SI | Slovenia | |
Paliwal, Nandini | National Law University, Delhi | India | |
Palkovitz, Neta | ISIS- Innovative Solutions In Space B.V. | The Netherlands | |
Pantoja Castrillon, Andres Felipe | Colombia | ||
Percy, Caitlin | International Space University (ISU) | United Kingdom | |
Pozza, Maria | 1) University of Otago (New Zealand) | New Zealand | |
Raymaekers, Jens | International Space University (ISU) | Belgium | |
Rendleman, James | United States | ||
Rinner, Anita | Austria | ||
Roberts, Christopher | Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill University | Canada | |
Rummel, John D. | East Carolina University | United States | |
SU, Jinyuan | Xi'an Jiaotong University School of Law | China | |
Sammons, Matthew | International Space University (ISU) | United States | |
Sandalinas, Jordi | Spain | ||
Scavuzzi, Juliana | Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law | Canada | |
Schaefer, Matthew | University of Nebraska, College of Law | United States | |
Scimemi, Sam | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | |
Sekhula, Phetole | South Africa | ||
Shestakova, Ksenia | Russian Federation | ||
Stelmakh, Olga S. | Parliament of Ukraine / Business Media Platform Delo.UA | Ukraine | |
Stotesbury, Ian | International Space University (ISU) | United Kingdom | |
Sundahl, Mark | Cleveland State University | United States | |
Takaya-Umehara, Yuri | Kobe University | Japan | |
Takeuchi, Yu | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
Tao, Yangzi | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
Tepper, Eytan | China University of Political Science and Law | China | |
Trolley, Zac | International Space University (ISU) | Canada | |
Tronchetti, Fabio | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | |
Tunku, Intan | Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) | Malaysia | |
Van Wyk, Jo-Ansie | University of South Africa - UNISA | South Africa | |
Vargas Pallini, Juan Pablo | Colombia | ||
Veshchunov, Victor | Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications | Russian Federation | |
Viana, Tatiana | Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law | Italy | |
Volynskaya, Olga | State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS | Russian Federation | |
Von der Dunk, Frans G. | University of Nebraska, College of Law | The Netherlands | |
Wang, Jilian | China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) | China | |
Ward, Lorenda | International Space University (ISU) | United States | |
Wardak, Karina | Germany | ||
Wood, Steven | XCOR Aerospace | United States | |
Wu, Xiaodan | China Central University of Finance and Economics | China | |
Zhao, Haifeng | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | |
Zhao, Yun | The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong SAR, China | |
de POULPIQUET, Jean-Marie | Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole | France | |
li, shouping | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
van Oijhuizen, Ana Cristina | Brazilian Association of Air and Space Law | The Netherlands |