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    IAC-16 — 67th International Astronautical Congress


    In the current difficult economic situation resulting in serious uncertainties in the planning of the major (flagship) missions of the future, space agencies also offer opportunities for small and medium-size missions in support of the scientific community. NASA re-emphasised the Explorer and Discovery lines of medium-size missions, JAXA promotes a small mission programme and ESA released calls for small and medium missions. Not to mention the programmes of other space agencies consisting mainly of such medium/small missions. In order to achieve a good balance between the various classes of missions and to avoid unnecessary duplication in planning missions worldwide, from small to large scale, addressing the same science questions, it is of utmost importance to coordinate planning activities internationally at an early stage and to promote international collaboration. Therefore, it seems appropriate to arrange an international symposium involving the main actors of this field of space research, the scientific community, space industry and space agencies. Capitalising on the science and technology driven road maps at worldwide level, such as the recently released COSPAR Astronomy Roadmap for the post 2015 decade, the broad objective of the symposium will be to promote the exchange of information and ideas related to new technologies for all the space astronomy and solar-system missions of the future. The symposium will consist of both invited talks and contributed papers. The programme will cover the major scientific priorities in space astronomy and solar-system research worldwide and prospects for future missions including space agency and academia updated plans and will also address associated technology needs for both instruments and platforms. In the initial session the prime scientific motivations and needs in different fields will be reviewed with the various types of missions required. This will be followed by invited and contributed talks on the space-agency long-term views on a mix of small, medium and large-scale missions, including updates on their science programs. The following sessions will see invited talks on the required technology plans and challenges. Next sessions will focus on different scientific topics identifying also in this case the required technological developments for future payloads. For each topic, ample time will be devoted to contributed talks on the related technology studies and developments within industry and research laboratories.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A7.1. Space-Agencies Long-Term Views

    In this session will be presented in invited and contributed talks, the space-agencies long-term views on a mix of small, medium and large-scale missions addressing space astronomy and solar system science, including updates on their science programs.


    Pietro Ubertini

    Brent Sherwood
    United States


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A7.2. Scientific Motivation and Requirements for Future Space Astronomy and Solar System Science Missions

    In this session the prime scientific motivations and needs in different fields of space astronomy and solar-system science missions will be reviewed with the various types of missions required. There will be room for presentations of road maps proposed for the research fields addressed in this event.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Pietro Ubertini


    Brent Sherwood
    United States

    A7.3. Technology Needs for Future Missions, Platforms

    This session addresses the technologies required for future space astronomy and solar system science missions with the plans of, and challenges for industry and research institutes to realize the required functionalities of e.g. platforms.


    Jakob van Zyl
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Brent Sherwood
    United States


    Pietro Ubertini