session 6
- Title
Advanced Technologies for Space Communications and Navigation
- type
- Description
Future promising space communication and navigation technologies will be presented, as applied to existing and developing systems. The technologies discussed in this Session cover the whole range of those applicable to constellations of micro- or nano satellites, all the way up to those earmarked for large high throughput satellites.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mr. Edward W. Ashford, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), United States;
Co-Chair: Mr. Elemer Bertenyi, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Canada;
Rapporteur: Dr. Nader Alagha, ESA, The Netherlands;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | Outernet: The development of 1U CubeSat platforms to enable low-cost global data provision | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Craig Clark | Clyde Space Ltd | United Kingdom | |
2 | 15' | no-show | Mr. Advait Kulkarni | India | |||
3 | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Gary Barnhard | United States | |||
4 | Develop of an adaptive GMSK modulator using SDR techniques implemented in a FPGA. | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Geraldo Salazar Diaz | Insituto de Ingenieria UNAM | Mexico | |
5 | Analysis and Modeling of Traffic Characteristics for High-Efficient Scheduling in TDRSS | 15' | confirmed | Dr. LEI WANG | Tsinghua University | China | |
6 | Small Satellite Navigation, Rendezvous, and Docking System: Concept Design and Optimization | 15' | withdrawn | Ms. Eryn Culton | US DoD | United States | |
7 | New Receiving Ground Station using Active Phased Array Antenna for Satellites | 15' | confirmed | Prof. Nobuyuki Kaya | Kobe University | Japan | |
8 | 15' | confirmed | Dr. Orietta Lanciano | ASI - Italian Space Agency | Italy | ||
9 | Simulation and implementation of cognitive radio algorithms for satellite communications | 15' | withdrawn | Mr. Pedro Rodrigues | Tekever | Portugal | |
10 | Effects of inclinometer error on star sensor position accuracy | 15' | withdrawn | Ms. Shabnam Yazdani | K. N. Toosi University of Technology | Iran | |
11 | Study of laser diode degradation in a gamma radiation environment for optical communications | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Danton Iván Bazaldua Morquecho | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Mexico | |
12 | Research on Wide-Band Spectrum Sensing for The Communication Satellite Based on Compressive Sampling | 15' | confirmed | Dr. jianjun zhang | China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China | |
13 | research on networking communication technology based on small spacecraft | 15' | confirmed | Mr. Peng Qin | China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT) | China | |
14 | Federated Vector Tracking For Space Vehicle Navigation in High Earth Orbits | 15' | withdrawn | Ms. Sara Pourdaraei | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) | China |