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    IAC-16 — 67th International Astronautical Congress


    This symposium organized by the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) addressed various aspects of the law of outer space and is structured in five sessions.


    Catherine Doldirina
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Italy

    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Publication officer

    Rafael Moro-Aguilar

    E7.1. 8th Nandasiri Jasentuliyana Keynote Lecture on Space Law and Young Scholars Session

    In the first part of this session, the IISL will invite a prominent speaker to address the members of the Institute and other congress attendants on a highly topical issue of broad interest. The second part of this session will be dedicated to the space lawyers of the future and young scholars (under 35 years old) who are invited to present a paper on a relevant topic of space law. Lecture: "Space Law and Diplomacy", by Kai-Uwe Schrogl.


    Tanja Masson-Zwaan
    International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden UniversityThe Netherlands

    Rosa María Ramirez de Arellano
    Ramirez de Arellano y Abogados, S.C. Law FirmMexico


    Christopher Johnson
    Secure World FoundationUnited States

    E7.2. Legal Perspectives on Space Resources and Off-Earth Mining

    The development of space technology leads the plans to exploit space resources closer to reality. With this use of outer space, the principles of the law of outer space are challenged: Is this legal framework outdated? Under which conditions can segments of celestial bodies used for space missions be taken to the Earth and exploited industrially? Are the States who are not parties of the Moon Treaty obliged to adopt an international regime governing the distribution of space resources? How should such a future international regime be shaped?


    Mark Sundahl
    Cleveland State UniversityUnited States

    Fabio Tronchetti
    Northumbria UniversityUnited Kingdom


    Guoyu Wang
    Beijing Institute of Technology, Institute of Space LawChina

    E7.3. Contemporary Considerations about the 1986 Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space

    Remote sensing technology is strategic by nature, providing invaluable information both to governments and private individuals. Knowledge of the national territory is a key aspect of sovereignty. Indeed, data gathered by remote sensing satellites are currently appraised as necessary to the sustainable development of nations all over the globe. But those services also represent a commercial endeavour of increased market value, which cannot be taken for granted, due to strong international demand. Almost 30 years after its conception, the 1986 Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space and its proposed international legal regime are of increasing relevance. Have those principles achieved the status of international custom? Is it finally time for a treaty?


    Maureen Williams
    Chair, ILA Space Law Committee, UK & UBA, Conicet, Buenos AiresArgentina

    Martha Mejia-Kaiser
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Germany


    Institute of Air & Space Law, University of Cologne, Germany.India

    E7.4. Legal Challenges Represented by Large Satellite Infrastructures and Constellations

    A relatively new trend in space activities involves the deployment of large infrastructures and constellations of satellites in Low Earth Orbit, leading to relevant international concerns, not only regarding space traffic management, but also the sustainability of the space environment. Such a distinctive technological initiative poses legal challenges as far as Space Law is concerned. For example, what forms of legal and regulatory frameworks are necessary to balance the interests of a particular State (financial, compliance with its international obligations, acting in the interests of other States, etc) with the demands of entrepreneurs? Should the governing legal regime encourage/discourage this evolution towards a multitude of space actors? What role does/should law have in facilitating the commercial possibilities offered by low-cost satellites? How should the relevant legal rules balance the risks associated with such technology and infrastructure with the need to further enhance the potential benefits that these systems may offer?


    Steven Freeland
    Western Sydney UniversityAustralia

    PJ Blount
    Cardiff UniversityUnited Kingdom


    Alexander Soucek
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    E7.5. Current Developments in Space Law with Particular Consideration for Latin America

    IIn this session, papers are invited to address the most recent legal developments of space activities since the last congress, with special attention for Latin American developments and perspectives.


    Catholic University of SantosBrazil

    Ranjana Kaul
    Dua AssociatesIndia


    Luis F. Castillo Arganaras
    National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) of Argentina and Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE)Argentina

    E7.6-E3.5. 31st Joint IAA/IISL Scientific Legal Roundtable: The Future of Regional Cooperation

    This roundtable is jointly organised by the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL). International cooperation is a key element of the Outer Space Treaty. In the Legal Subcommittee of UNCOPUOS, at present, the subject matter is reflected in a dedicated Working Group reviewing ‘international mechanisms for cooperation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space’. The Outer Space Treaty will have its 50th anniversary in 2017. This upcoming event is a good moment to discuss the challenges of regional cooperation in space in the interdisciplinary format of the Scientific-Legal Roundtable. Abstract submissions to this session are by invitation only.


    Marco Ferrazzani
    European Space Agency (ESA)France


    Marc Haese
    DLR, German Aerospace CenterGermany

    Nicola Rohner-Willsch
    Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)Germany

    E7.7-B3.8. Joint IAF-IISL Session on the Legal Framework for Collaborative Space Activities

    This session hosts papers on topics related to the legal framework governing collaborative space programmes, in particular governmental Exploration programmes and their preparations.


    Cristian Bank

    Bernhard Schmidt-Tedd
    Leuphana UniversityGermany


    Olga Stelmakh-Drescher
    International Institute of Space Law (IISL)Germany

    E7.IP. Interactive Presentations

    Authors with an abstract accepted for an interactive presentation will be asked to prepare slides and display them for the duration of the congress on plasma screens. Authors will be assigned to interactive sessions in which they must be near the plasma screens to engage in interactive discussions with other congress attendees.


    Nicholas Puschman
    Bird & BirdUnited Kingdom


    Lesley Jane Smith
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & SmithGermany

    Mahulena Hofmann
    University of LuxembourgLuxembourg