session 2
- Title
Fixed and Broadcast Communications
- type
- Description
Advances in Fixed and Broadcast Satellite Systems will be presented including Ku and Ka band multi-beam high throughput systems, VSAT and radio/television/internet to users from GEO, HEO and LEO constellations.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mr. Robert D. Briskman, Sirius XM Radio, United States;
Co-Chair: Mr. Desaraju Venugopal, Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., India;
Rapporteur: Dr. Laszlo Bacsardi, Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT), Hungary;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Walter Frese | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | ||
2 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Sebastian Rückerl | Technical University of Munich | Germany | ||
3 | 15 | withdrawn | Mr. Miguel Angel Fernandez | Syrlinks | France | ||
4 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Sumit Kumar | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | ||
5 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Robert D. Briskman | Sirius XM Radio | United States | ||
6 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Sai Ram Sadhu | U R RAO SATELLITE CENTRE (URSC) | India | ||
7 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Zakaria Bouhanna | Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey | United Kingdom | ||
8 | 15 | confirmed | Dr. Philipp Wertz | Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | ||
9 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Sankaran M | U R RAO SATELLITE CENTRE (URSC) | India | ||
10 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Khai Pang Tan | Addvalue Innovation Pte Ltd | Singapore, Republic of | ||
11 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Marco Alejandro Murillo Alcocer | Agencia Boliviana Espacial | Bolivia | ||
12 | Hybrid Ka and Ku Band Satellite Communication System for Broadband and Broadcast Applications | 15 | withdrawn | Mr. Venugopal Desaraju | India | ||
13 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Min Wang | China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China |