session 8
- Title
Small Spacecraft for Deep-Space Exploration
- type
- Description
This session focuses on innovative small spacecraft designs, systems, missions and technologies for the exploration and commercialization of space beyond Earth orbit. Target destinations for these miniaturized space probes include the Earth's Moon, Mars, comets and asteroids, as well as other destinations that are targets for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). Small exploration probes covered by this session may come in many different forms including special-purpose miniature spacecraft, standard format small platforms such as Cubesats or other microsats, nanosats, picosats, etc. Topics include new and emerging technologies including the use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) technologies, miniaturized subsystems including propulsion, avionics, guidance navigation & control, power supply, communication, thermal management, and sensors and instruments. The main focus of this session is on new and emerging systems, missions, driving technologies and applications that are both government-funded as well as driven by commercial ventures.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Leon Alkalai, Mandala Space Ventures, United States;
Co-Chair: Prof. Rene Laufer, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden;
Rapporteur: Ms. Amanda Stiles, Rocket Lab, United States;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 09:45 | KEYNOTE: MarCO: Flight Results from the First Interplanetary CubeSat Mission | 20 | confirmed | Dr. Andrew Klesh | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States |
2 | 10:05 | SmallSat Aerocapture: Breaking the Rocket Equation to Enable a New Class of Planetary Missions | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Alex Austin | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States |
3 | 10:15 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Angelo Cervone | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
4 | 10:25 | Lunar IceCube: Pioneering Technologies for Interplanetary Small Satellite Exploration | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Benjamin Malphrus | Morehead State University | United States |
5 | 10:35 | Telecommunications Systems Testing and Ground-Compatibility Verification for EM-1 CubeSat Missions | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Alessandra Babuscia | Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology | United States |
6 | 10:45 | LunIR: A CubeSat Spacecraft Performing Advanced Infrared Imaging of the Lunar Surface | 10 | withdrawn | Dr. Joseph Shoer | Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company) | United States |
7 | 10:55 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Rene Laufer | Baylor University / University of Cape Town | United States | |
8 | 11:05 | Challenges in LICIA Cubesat trajectory design to support DART mission science | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Andrea Capannolo | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
9 | 11:15 | Development and Testing of an Engineering Model for an Asteroid Hopping Robot | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Greg Wilburn | University of Arizona | United States |
10 | 11:25 | Capabilities of a Nano-LIDAR for Future Reconnaissance Missions to NEOs | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Lewis Walker | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom |
11 | 11:35 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Salvatore Vivenzio | International Space University (ISU) | France | |
12 | 11:45 | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Giulia Viavattene | University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | |
13 | 11:55 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Adrien Bouskela | University of Arizona | United States | |
14 | 12:05 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Jaime Esper | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States |