session 4B
- Title
Small Bodies Missions and Technologies (Part 2)
- type
- Description
This session will present the missions and technological aspects related to the exploration of small bodies including a search for pre-biotic signatures.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Stephan Ulamec, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany;
Co-Chair: Prof. Susan McKenna-Lawlor, Space Technology (Ireland) Ltd., Ireland;
Rapporteur: Dr. Marc D. Rayman, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Norbert Frischauf, TU Graz, Austria;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
2 | 13:30 | Science and planetary defense objectives of the ESA Hera Mission | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Patrick Michel | University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur | France |
3 | 13:40 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Francisco da Silva Pais Cabral | G.M.V. Space and Defence, S.A. | Portugal | |
4 | 13:50 | ARGO: a planetary defense mission to test gravity traction techniques | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Alessio Bocci | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
6 | 14:00 | Getting to Eris and MakeMake Using Solar Electric Propulsion | 10 | confirmed | Prof.Dr. Edgar Bering | University of Houston | United States |
7 | 14:10 | Optimization of Hopping Trajectories for Asteroids Surface Exploration | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Andrea Carbone | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy |
8 | 14:20 | Multispectral Imaging Sensors for asteroids relative navigation | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Margherita Piccinin | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
9 | 14:30 | Guidance and Control for Spacecraft Autonomous Landing on Small Planetary Bodies | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Larissa Balestrero Machado | Universität der Bundeswehr München | Germany |
1001 | 14:40 | The measurement goals and payload of the Hera mission to Dimorphos | 10 | withdrawn | Dr. Michael Küppers | European Space Agency (ESA) | Spain |
1005 | 14:50 | experimental study on Mechanism of asteroid defense by pulsed laser | 10 | withdrawn | Dr. Guangming Song | China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China |
1010 | 15:00 | Multi-node Probe Based on Flexible Physical Connections for Asteroid Landing | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Bang Wang | Beijing Institude of technology | China |