session 5
- Title
Solar System Exploration including Ocean Worlds
- type
- Description
This session covers robotic missions for Solar System exploration (inner and outer planets and their satellites, and space plasma physics) except the Earth, Moon, Mars, and small bodies covered in other sessions of this symposium. Special emphasis on papers addressing missions to so-called Ocean Worlds (Enceladus, Europa, Titan) is sought. Papers covering both new mission concepts as well as the associated specific technologies are invited.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Ms. Mariella Graziano, GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU, Spain;
Co-Chair: Dr. Junichiro Kawaguchi, Australian National University (ANU), Australia;
Rapporteur: Mr. Charles E. Cockrell Jr., National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States;
Rapporteur: Mr. Alain Ouellet, Canadian Space Agency, Canada;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 14:45 | Exploratory mission to Mercury: Possibilities for future sample return missions | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Vipul Mani | TU Berlin | Germany |
2 | 14:55 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Elia Sindoni | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
3 | 15:05 | Autonomous AeroBraking in Venus: Corridor Control strategies for EnVision | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Simone Centuori | Deimos Space SLU | Spain |
4 | 15:15 | ADVANCED METHODS OF LOW-ENERGY MISSION DESIGN FOR ICY MOONS EXPLORATION | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Alexey Grushevskii | Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS | Russian Federation |
6 | 15:25 | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Antonio Genova | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
7 | 15:35 | Titan Exploration after Cassini-Huygens : Evolution from Flagships to Dragonfly and Beyond | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Ralph Lorenz | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States |
8 | 15:45 | Titan Exploration Using Autonomous DroneBoat with Sample analysis & Visual Perspective | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Prathmesh Barapatre | National Space Society (USA) -Mumbai chapter | India |
9 | 15:55 | Enceladus Revisited: New Visions for Cutting Costs and Risks in Exploring the Subsurface Ocean | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Joachim Reinhold | Germany | |
1005 | 16:05 | 10 | withdrawn | Mr. Carlo Bianco | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
1010 | 16:15 | 10 | Mr. Ahmad Jalil | The National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC) | United Arab Emirates |