session 4
- Title
Small Earth Observation Missions
- type
- Description
We call for papers that will present information to decision makers, scientists, engineers, and managers about cost-effective small satellite missions, instruments, technologies, and designs of both current and planned Earth and near-Earth missions. This session addresses the technologies, applications and missions achieved through the use of small, cost-effective satellites to observe the Earth and near-Earth space. Innovative cost-effective solutions to the needs of the science and applications communities are sought. Satellite technologies suited for use on small satellites including those in the single to multiple CubeSat ranges are particularly encouraged. Satellite or technology development efforts that make use of innovative launch opportunities, such as the developing space tourism market and commercial launch capability, hold significant promise for low-cost access to space make Earth observation missions attainable to non-governmental organizations as well as traditional users: papers addressing these evolving opportunities would be welcomed.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mr. Carsten Tobehn, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands;
Co-Chair: Dr. Larry Paxton, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Werner R. Balogh, European Space Agency (ESA), France;
Rapporteur: Mr. Marco Gomez Jenkins, United Kingdom;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 09:45 | Demonstration of GNSS-Reflectometry Technology for a Secondary Payload on Small Satellites | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Alex da Silva Curiel | Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) | United Kingdom |
2 | 09:58 | In-orbit measurement of S-band radio noise during the Flying Laptop satellite mission | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Steffen Gaisser | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany |
3 | 10:11 | PLT-1 SAR Mission - PLATiNO multi-mission platform approaching first flight | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Giovanni Tuccio | Sitael Spa | Italy |
4 | 10:24 | DAILYVISION@1m: LOW-COST SUBMETER EARTH OBSERVATOIN MICROSAT CONSTELLATION | 13 | confirmed | Mrs. Kammy Brun | China Head Aerospace Technology Co. | France |
6 | 10:37 | Retrieving 3D microphysical properties of shallow clouds with nanosatellites flying in formation | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Panagiotis D. Kremmydas | Zentrum für Telematik | Germany |
7 | 10:50 | High-Resolution Operational Earth Observation from a 6U Small Satellite | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Jeroen Rotteveel | ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space B.V. | The Netherlands |
12 | 11:03 | DARKCARB: AN INNOVATIVE INFRARED IMAGING SMALL SATELLITE MISSION | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Alex da Silva Curiel | Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) | United Kingdom |
13 | 11:16 | A modular space mission architecture for Small satellite Earth Observation missions. | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Florian DECONINCK | Open cosmos Ltd. | United Kingdom |
1005 | 11:29 | On-board fast-moving target tracking on remote sensing images for micro-nano satellites | 13 | confirmed | Dr. Rui Zhang | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China |
1008 | 11:42 | 13 | withdrawn | Mr. Anin Puthukkudy | Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology, (JCET/UMBC) | United States | |
1009 | 11:55 | Global High Resolution Methane Detection with the GHGSat Constellation | 13 | confirmed | Ms. Laura Bradbury | GHGSat Inc. | Canada |
1010 | 12:08 | Dual-Aperture Design for Multispectral Earth Observation Payload from a Nanosatellite | 13 | confirmed | Mr. Elliot Saive | University of Alberta | Canada |
1011 | 12:21 | Synchronous lightning observations by a constellation of 3 nanosatellites during the C3IEL mission | 13 | withdrawn | Prof. Yoav Yair | Israel |