session 5
- Title
Safety Zones on Celestial Bodies and in Outer Space
- type
- Description
The establishment of safety zones on celestial bodies and in outer space protecting the safety of space activities from harmful interference is a concept developed principally by space operators and practice. The problem is that - developed in the 60ties - the present international legal framework, essentially Articles I, II, IX and XII of the Outer Space Treaty, is only superficially tackling this issue and can be interpreted in various directions. Recently, the non-binding Building Blocks for the Development of an International Framework for the Governance of Space Resources Activities brought about food for thought on this issue but as a platform for discussion could not bring any clear-cut solutions. The panel invites for contributions discussing the concept and definition of safety zones on celestial bodies and in outer space. First, it shall consider the conditions for the compliance of these zones with international space law in general. Second, it shall analyse the relevant provisions of the law of outer space in relation to safety zones: the freedom of use of outer space, free access to the areas of outer space, non-appropriation, prevention of harmful interference, the openness of stations and installations, reasonable advance notice of projected visits, consultations, and international responsibility and liability. Furthermore, the papers may discuss specific issues dealing with the size, overlap, time frame, management and control of safety zones. The authors may also deliberate the analogies with the regimes of safety zones in related areas of international law.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Ms. Deepika Jeyakodi, The Netherlands;
Co-Chair: Prof. Mark Sundahl, Cleveland State University, United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Laetitia Cesari, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg ;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 10:15 | “What’s In A Name?” Legal aspects of ‘safety zones’ on celestial bodies and elsewhere in outer space | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Frans G. Von der Dunk | University of Nebraska, College of Law | The Netherlands |
2 | 10:25 | Rules on Safety Zones in International Law Applicable to Space Activities | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Setsuko Aoki | Keio University | Japan |
3 | 10:35 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Antonino Salmeri | Open Lunar Foundation | Italy | |
4 | 10:45 | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Christopher Johnson | Secure World Foundation | United States | |
5 | 10:55 | Safety zones as a means to ensure a balanced liability regime in space | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Elina Morozova | Intersputnik International Organization of Space Communications | Russian Federation |
6 | 11:05 | Rights and Obligations in International Consultation for Establishing Safety Zones in Outer Space | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Yu Takeuchi | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan |
7 | 11:15 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Maximilian Gartner | University of Vienna | Austria | |
8 | 11:25 | Social Licence to Operate: A tool to ensure legality and legitimacy of safety zones | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Martin Svec | Institute of International Relations | Czech Republic |
9 | 11:35 | Safety in the space treaties: Why are safety zones and safety measures in outer space necessary? | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Dimitra Stefoudi | Leiden University | The Netherlands |
10 | 11:45 | Frameworks for reasonable safety zones using the due regard principle | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Andrea Harrington | Air University | United States |
11 | 11:55 | 10 | withdrawn | Dr. MM Losier | Space Renaissance International | United States | |
12 | 12:05 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Xiaodao Li | The University of Hong Kong | China |