session 2
- Title
Lift Off - Secondary Space Education
- type
- Description
This session will explore innovative programs focusing on space education and outreach to students aged 11 to 18. Emphasis will be placed on programs that effectively engage secondary school students in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM), help them develop key skills, and foster a long-term passion for space. This session will also consider programs and activities that focus on the professional development of secondary school teachers, or on educational methodologies of relevance to secondary education. When submitting abstracts for this session, please: Clearly identify the connection to secondary education/outreach and to space activities. Provide a short but clear description of the activity or the program. Include some information about the unique, original or innovative nature of your activity or program. Include lessons learned, recommendations or other takeaway messages in the body of your abstract. If any theories are developed, please include some information about the practical applicability of the information. Make sure that the abstract provides a coherent idea or narrative. Include reference to data gathered through evaluations, surveys or other means, if applicable.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Seyed Ali Nasseri, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Canada;
Co-Chair: Mrs. Alina Vizireanu, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), United Kingdom;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 10:15 | Phone Stations: Empowering secondary education through low-cost ground stations on smartphones | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Jorge Soliz | Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) | Bolivia |
2 | 10:25 | The Zero Robotics Program Invites Youth to Program Robots on the International Space Station | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Danielle Wood | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
3 | 10:35 | Building the school of tomorrow through space: the lessons learned from the GIS4Schools project | 10 | confirmed | Mrs. Alessandra Vernile | EURISY | France |
4 | 10:45 | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Danielle Oryan | Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Israel | |
5 | 10:55 | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Rebeca Jiménez | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Costa Rica | |
6 | 11:05 | Young Space Policy Lobbyist: Outcome of Secondary Level Space Education and Outreach in Nepal | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Oshan Sharma Kattel | Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) | Nepal |
7 | 11:15 | STEM education using space rover and student rover challenge(SRC) | 10 | Mr. Kyunghwan KIM | International Space University (ISU) | France | |
8 | 11:25 | Methods and Practices for Introducing Private Space Education Programs into Japanese Schools | 10 | confirmed | Mr. HIKARU OTSUKA | Japan | |
9 | 11:35 | Model Mars: A Collaborative Learning Experience for the Martians of the Future | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Jennifer Blank | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center /Blue Marble Space Institute of Science | United States |
10 | 11:45 | Need for an education model for adolescents, specifically in rural areas | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Sri Venkata Vathsala Musunuri | Polytechnique Montreal | Canada |