session 3
- Title
Innovation: The Academics' Perspectives
- type
- Description
This session will contain academic presentations, at any level of analysis, and on any aspect of entrepreneurship, innovation, finance, or investment, organization theory, investment, etc. Variance and phenomenological studies are encouraged. Qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods approaches are all accepted. Academic domains of interest include strategic management, economics, leadership, innovation management, and all perspectives of organization theory (including organizational economics, cognition and interpretation, power and dependence, technology, learning, complexity and computation, institutions, networks, ecology, and evolution). At a minimum, submissions are expected to be at the level of working papers performed as part of any graduate degree programme (i.e., masters, doctoral, and post-graduate). This work can include theoretical and applied research.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Ken Davidian, United States;
Co-Chair: Prof. Michele Cristina Silva Melo, Ideia Space, Brazil;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 15:00 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Azər İsmayılzadə | Azerbaijan State University of Economics | Azerbaijan | |
2 | 15:15 | Fueling Domestic Space With Global Talent: Exploring a US Space Visa | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Gidon Gautel | Moon Village Association (MVA) | United Kingdom |
3 | 15:30 | 15 | confirmed | Prof. Michele Cristina Silva Melo | Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) | Brazil | |
4 | 15:45 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Kais Barmawi | International Space University (ISU) | France | |
5 | 16:00 | 15 | confirmed | Prof. Katarzyna Malinowska | Kozminski University | Poland | |
6 | 16:15 | 15 | confirmed | Mr. Alessandro Paravano | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
7 | 16:30 | Innovation Practices: Co-Creation in Tech Sectors in North American Cities | 15 | confirmed | Dr. Katlyn Turner | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
8 | 16:45 | Unfolding space program governance models driving the transition towards the New Space | 15 | confirmed | Ms. Valentina Zancan | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |