session IP
- Title
- type
- Description
This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Human Exploration of the Solar System addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Christian Sallaberger, Canadensys Aerospace Corporation, Canada;
Co-Chair: Dr. Maria Antonietta Perino, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Italy;
Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
confirmed | Mr. Baladitya Rane | Vellore Institute of Technology | India | ||
withdrawn | Ms. Lisa HEDIN | ISAE-Supaero University of Toulouse | France | ||
Design strategy for integrating radiation protection and life support systems in space habitats | confirmed | Dr. Vera Mayorova | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
The Hort3space Experiment: Hydroponic System for Life Support | confirmed | Mr. Luca Furlani | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Water in-Situ resource utilization for sustainable manned exploration of Mars | confirmed | Mr. Arturo Pulido Balderas | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) | Mexico | |
confirmed | Ms. Karla Fabiola Mayo Sánchez | Instituto Politécnico Nacional | Mexico | ||
withdrawn | Mr. Aman Bhavsar | Vellore Institute of Technology | India | ||
Revolutionizing Habitat Construction: 3D Printing with Local Materials for Martian and Lunar Bases | withdrawn | Mr. Vishnurat Kadagadakai | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | India | |
withdrawn | Ms. Daniela Lomelí | Mexico | |||
withdrawn | Dr. Marc Cohen | United States | |||
COSMICA Project: Advancing astronaut survival and well-being through Microalgae-Based Design | confirmed | Dr. Alberto Rosso | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
confirmed | Ms. Dagmara Stasiowska | AGH University of Science and Technology | Poland | ||
confirmed | Mr. Amirmohsen Paziresh | Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) | Poland | ||
confirmed | Ms. Ekaterina Faber | Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of National Research University Higher School of Economics (MIEM NRU HSE) | Russian Federation | ||
withdrawn | Mr. Sebastian Ponce-Vaquero | TECNOLOGICO DE MONTERREY | Mexico | ||
Topographical data from space as elementary in planning design transformations for space habitats | confirmed | Ms. Aathira Peedikaparambil Somasundaran | TU Wien | United Kingdom | |
confirmed | Mr. Evandros Theodosiou | Private individual | United Kingdom | ||
Finding Solutions for Water and Resource Mapping on the Moon: The Space Ants Initiative | confirmed | Mr. David Augusto Galvan Alvarado | Mexico | ||
Rover as a Companion in a Simulated Moon base Environment: Various Uses and Advantages. | confirmed | Mr. Matthew Harvey | ILEWG "EuroMoonMars" | Ireland | |
TESTS WITH COSTA RICAN VOLCANIC ROCKS FOR THE CREATION OF A MARTIAN REGOLITH SIMULANT. | confirmed | Ms. Karolay Alvarado Navarro | Universidad de Costa Rica | Costa Rica | |
confirmed | Mr. Juan Manuel Benavides Almonacid | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Mexico | ||
confirmed | Ms. Valentina Senapati | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | ||
confirmed | Prof. Jekanthan Thangavelautham | University of Arizona | United States | ||
JGC’s Vision for a Lunar Society “Lumarnity™(Lunar Smart Community™)” | confirmed | Mr. Kiho Fukaura | JGC Corporation | Japan | |
Which Are Better: Retrograde or Prograde Orbits from the Perspective of Planetary Mission Design | confirmed | Dr. Yuying Liang | ISAS, JAXA | China | |
confirmed | Mr. Alonso Viana Guzmán | Universidad de Costa Rica | Costa Rica | ||
The effects of stress on astronauts body experienced during space missions. | withdrawn | Mr. Tyler Glymph | Medical University of South Carolina | United States | |
confirmed | Mr. Tomás Ignacio Burroni | Reflex Aerospace | Germany | ||
confirmed | Mr. Alfredo Gili | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | ||
transmedium space habitat for human colonisation in outer space | 10 | withdrawn | Dr. Tiago Pinto da Costa | Falmouth University | United Kingdom |
10 | confirmed | Dr. GRES STEPHANE | Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) | France |