session IP
- Title
- type
- Description
This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Planetary Defense and Near-Earth Objects addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mr. Alex Karl, Space Applications Services, Belgium;
Co-Chair: Prof. Alissa J. Haddaji, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States;
Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
10 | confirmed | Mrs. ANA LUCIA PEGETTI | ITA-CTA | Brazil | |
10 | confirmed | Mrs. ANA LUCIA PEGETTI | ITA-CTA | Brazil | |
study of size scale effect in the asteroid deflection due to hypervelocity impact | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Taishi Satou | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan |
Analysis of planetray defense techniques and the role of space technology in the future exercices | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Rania Toukebri | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Germany |
Cooperative guidance for multiple impactors against multiple asteroid debris | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Chang Lv | Beijing Institute of Technology | China |
10 | confirmed | Mr. Penghao Qiao | Beijing University of Technology | China | |
Design of Retrograde Asteroid Impact Orbit by Multiple Gravity Assist Maneuvers | 10 | withdrawn | Ms. Yan Shen | Beijing University of Technology | China |
Evaluating the Legality of Nuclear Explosive Devices (NEDs) for Planetary Defense | 10 | confirmed | Ms. DAFNI POLITIKOU | National and Kapodistrian University Of Athens | Greece |
10 | confirmed | Mr. Lee Kin Thong | Tsinghua University School of Aerospace | China | |
Fuel-Optimal Approach Planning Strategy for High-speed Hyperbolic and Parabolic Near-Earth Asteroids | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Shuyue Fu | Beihang University (BUAA) | China |
Image-based multi-target tracking for asteroid and debris after a kinetic impact | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Fangyuan Shi | Beijing Institute of Technology | China |
10 | confirmed | Dr. Kohei Yamaguchi | Nagoya University | Japan | |
Re-impact guidance for asteroid defense considering multi-debris avoidance | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Zhehao Xing | Beijing Institude of technology | China |
10 | confirmed | Ms. Nishita Sanghvi | Technical University of Munich | Germany | |
Study of deorbiting mechanisms of near-earth asteroids using slight deflection method | 10 | Mr. Himanshu Singh | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
10 | confirmed | Mr. Kaiduo Wang | 1: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
10 | confirmed | Ms. Erin Austen | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Canada | |
10 | confirmed | Mr. Fotios Kotzakioulafis | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Greece | |
10 | confirmed | Prof. Claudio Maccone | International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) | Italy |