session 1
- Title
International Ventures in Earth Observations
- type
- Description
Focus is on innovation and lessons learned in the planning, governance, business models, management and how organize and operate to achieve successful program outcomes for space-based Earth Observations missions (including single and constellation missions, one time and sustained observations, programs, and projects), systems (including instruments, spacecraft, communications, processing, archive, distribution, and calibration / validation systems), and applications (user driven value-added products and services for societal and business benefit, and science and technology advancement) that are aimed at international markets, application, or leverage international cooperation to achieve their objectives. All sources of missions are sought including governmental / agency programs, public / private partnerships, commercial, academic / non-governmental / non-commercial. Papers are encouraged which provide plans, status, and experience (including challenges and risks) in organizing, creating, and managing Earth Observations international ventures to better meet societal needs including addressing climate change mitigation, earth system health, underdeveloped and emerging space nations capacity building, entrepreneurial and commercial development, governmental policy, regulation and planning, disaster mitigation and response, news and media, and security. All forms of business structure, cooperation, collaboration, partnership are of interest. Papers with technical focus should be submitted to B1.2.
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mr. Charles Wooldridge, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States;
Co-Chair: Dr. Mukund Kadursrinivas Rao, Independent consultant, India;
Rapporteur: Ms. Kyriaki Minoglou, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands;
Rapporteur: Mr. José Gavira Izquierdo, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands;