session 7
- Title
Earth Observations to Address Earth’s Environment and Climate Challenges
- type
- Description
The IPCC reports on climate change articulate the major global environmental challenges that require vast and sustained measurement and information systems to monitor key climate parameters and inform decision makers and enable potential mitigations. Global governmental agencies, commercial and public/private partnerships are investing in creating systems and applications for environmental monitoring and prediction, and climate monitoring and change mitigation. This session focuses on the latest major findings in climate research and the systems being used to address the climate challenges, Earth Observations science, weather, oceanography, and land monitoring. Presentation of algorithms, processing chains and services especially leveraging innovative approaches, are encouraged. Optimized application satellite constellations, which do not focus on individual techniques or single satellites and describe the environmental / climate aspects of these collective systems, are also encouraged.
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Ole Morten Olsen, Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA), Norway;
Co-Chair: Dr. Shimrit Maman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel;
Rapporteur: Mr. Patrick Castillan, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France;
Rapporteur: Dr. Pilar Zamora, Colombia;