session IP
Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE OPERATIONS SYMPOSIUM
- type
- Description
This session offers a unique opportunity for authors to deliver key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Operations addressed in the main technical sessions of this symposium. The interactive presentation is a new format that allows the authors to create presentations which can include videos and animations that are shown on screens in a dedicated area throughout the congress week. Authors of the interactive presentations are also given a 5 min slot to present during the Interactive Session. The five very best interactive presentations of the IAC are selected and announced during the Interactive Presentation Award Ceremony.
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mr. Andreas Rudolph, European Space Agency (ESA), Germany;
Co-Chair: Dr. Otfrid G. Liepack, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States;