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    IAC-25 — 76th International Astronautical Congress


    The Space Propulsion Symposium addresses sub-orbital, Earth to orbit and in-space propulsion. The general areas considered include both chemical and non-chemical rocket propulsion, air-breathing propulsion, and combined air-breathing and rocket systems. Typical specific propulsion categories of interest are liquid, solid and hybrid rocket systems, ramjet, scramjet, detonation-based propulsion and various combinations of air-breathing and rocket propulsion and nuclear, electric, solar and other advanced rocket systems, and propulsion systems dedicated to small satellites. The Symposium also welcomes contributions on component technologies, the operation and application to missions of overall propulsion systems, and unique propulsion test facilities.


    Angelo Cervone
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands

    Adam Okninski
    Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation (ILOT)Poland

    Ozan Kara
    Technology Innovation Institute (TII)United Arab Emirates

    Saroj Kumar
    Propulsion Research Center, University of Alabama in HuntsvilleUnited States

    Andrei Shumeiko
    Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussian Federation

    C4.1. Liquid Propulsion (1)

    The session Liquid Propulsion (1) is dedicated to Liquid Rocket Engines (mono-propellant or bi-propellant), with particular emphasis on full engine systems. The session welcomes manuscripts on all research and development areas, with a significant technical content: design, testing (including diagnostics and test facilities), analysis and calculations, modelling, applications, science and fundamentals.


    Christophe Bonhomme
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Justin Hardi
    German Aerospace Center (DLR)Germany


    Ozan Kara
    Technology Innovation Institute (TII)United Arab Emirates

    Mario Kobald
    HyImpulse Technologies GmbHGermany

    C4.2. Liquid Propulsion (2)

    The session Liquid Propulsion (2) is dedicated to Liquid Rocket Engines (mono-propellant or bi-propellant), with particular emphasis on sub-systems and specific components (including propellants). The session welcomes manuscripts on all research and development areas, with a significant technical content: design, testing (including diagnostics and test facilities), analysis and calculations, modelling, applications, science and fundamentals.


    Angelo Cervone
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands

    Christian Bach
    Technische Universität Dresden (DTU)Germany


    Adam Okninski
    Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation (ILOT)Poland

    Elizabeth Jens
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of TechnologyUnited States

    C4.3. Solid and Hybrid Propulsion (1)

    The session Solid and Hybrid Propulsion (1) is dedicated to Solid and Hybrid Rocket motors, with particular emphasis on full systems. The session welcomes manuscripts on all research and development areas: design, testing (including diagnostics and test facilities), analysis and calculations, modelling, applications, science and fundamentals.


    Adam Okninski
    Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation (ILOT)Poland

    Mario Kobald
    HyImpulse Technologies GmbHGermany


    Yen-Sen Chen
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States

    Yuji Saito
    Tohoku UniversityJapan

    C4.4. Solid and Hybrid Propulsion (2)

    The session Solid and Hybrid Propulsion (2) is dedicated to Solid and Hybrid Rocket motors, with particular emphasis on sub-systems and specific components (including propellants). The session welcomes manuscripts on all research and development areas: design, testing (including diagnostics and test facilities), analysis and calculations, modelling, applications, science and fundamentals.


    Didier Boury
    ArianeGroup SASFrance

    Ozan Kara
    Technology Innovation Institute (TII)United Arab Emirates


    Stefano Mungiguerra
    Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”Italy

    Arif Karabeyoglu
    Koc UniversityTürkiye

    C4.5. Electric Propulsion (1)

    The sessions Electric Propulsion (1) and Electric Propulsion (2) are dedicated to all aspects of Electric Propulsion, including full systems, sub-systems and specific components. The sessions welcome manuscripts on all research and development areas: design, testing (including diagnostics and test facilities), analysis and calculations, modelling, applications, science and fundamentals.


    Jamila Mansouri
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Andrei Shumeiko
    Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussian Federation


    Marco Di Clemente
    Italian Space Agency (ASI)Italy

    Arnau Pons Lorente
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States

    C4.6. Electric Propulsion (2)

    The sessions Electric Propulsion (1) and Electric Propulsion (2) are dedicated to all aspects of Electric Propulsion, including full systems, sub-systems and specific components. The sessions welcome manuscripts on all research and development areas: design, testing (including diagnostics and test facilities), analysis and calculations, modelling, applications, science and fundamentals.


    Davina Di Cara
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Paolo Gessini
    Universidade de BrasíliaBrazil


    Angelo Cervone
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands

    Lahib Balika
    Thales Alenia SpaceUnited Kingdom

    C4.7. Hypersonic Air-breathing and Combined Cycle Propulsion, and Hypersonic Vehicle

    This session covers hypersonic air-breathing and combined cycle propulsion with space applications. The typical types of engine considered in this session include: turbojet, ramjet, Scramjet, detonation engine, Turbine Based Combined Cycle (TBCC), Rocket Based Combined Cycle (RBCC), Hypersonic Pre-cooled Propulsion, Air Turbo Rocket (ATR) and other types of hypersonic combined cycle propulsion, together with the associated vehicle.


    Yen-Sen Chen
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)United States

    Riheng Zheng
    Beihang UniversityChina


    Lahib Balika
    Thales Alenia SpaceUnited Kingdom

    Didier Boury
    ArianeGroup SASFrance

    C4.8-B4.5A. Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems

    This session will pay particular attention to propulsion systems and associated technologies as an enabler to efficient small satellite access to space and orbit change. Papers are invited discussing the particular challenges of design, manufacture, testing, operations and technological developments of small satellite propulsion systems, and the challenges of obtaining high performance within a small volume and mass. The scope includes chemical and electrical propulsion systems for major orbit changes, fine orbit control and maintenance, and end-of-life disposal. For papers with an emphasis on the small satellite and its system design, refer to other B4 sessions. For a focus on other propulsion systems and technologies, refer to other C4 sessions.


    Arnau Pons Lorente
    Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)United States

    Jeff Emdee
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Elena Toson

    Ulrich Gotzig

    C4.9. Disruptive Propulsion Concepts for Enabling New Missions

    This session will explore advanced and disruptive propulsion technologies, systems, ideas (including integration of different propulsion concepts) showing potential to enable new mission concepts, or to enhance the capabilities of current mission concepts.


    Elena Toson

    Sabrina Corpino
    Politecnico di TorinoItaly


    Giorgio Saccoccia
    European Space Agency (ESA)France

    Christian Bach
    Technische Universität Dresden (DTU)Germany

    C4.10-C3.5. Joint Session on Nuclear Power and Propulsion Systems, and Propellantless Propulsion

    This session, organized jointly between the Space Power and the Space Propulsion Symposia, addresses all aspects related to nuclear power and propulsion systems for space applications. The session also addresses all types of propellantless propulsion including (but not limited to) solar sails, magnetic sails, laser propulsion, tethers, etc.


    Leopold Summerer
    ESA - European Space AgencyThe Netherlands

    Saroj Kumar
    Propulsion Research Center, University of Alabama in HuntsvilleUnited States

    Lisa May
    Lockheed Martin CorporationUnited States


    Jamila Mansouri
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Paolo Gessini
    Universidade de BrasíliaBrazil

    C4.IP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE PROPULSION SYMPOSIUM

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Propulsion addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the C Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Angelo Cervone
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)The Netherlands

    Andrei Shumeiko
    Bauman Moscow State Technical UniversityRussian Federation

    Elizabeth Jens
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of TechnologyUnited States