session 6
- Title
Systems Engineering Approaches, Processes and Methods
- type
- Description
This session focuses on state-of-the-art systems engineering methodologies to deliver space systems of high quality that meet stakeholder needs at a manageable risk, reducing the development time and life cycle cost. Of special interest are papers on multi-disciplinary approaches, processes, methods, tools, and training used for improving development and life cycle productivity and risk management, and increasing safety, availability, reliability, resilience, dependability, testability, ease of operation, serviceability and quality of life cycle cost estimates. Papers are sought in four topical areas: 1) space systems architecting, which includes campaign analysis and design, mission analysis and design, and systems of systems (SoS); 2) trade off studies, optimization, and simulation tools and decision analysis; 3) AIV&V (assembly, integration, verification and validation); and 4) space systems management, which includes stakeholder management, technical planning, control and assessment of space system design, earned value management, technical risk management, requirements management, configuration management, and information management.
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Geilson Loureiro, National Institute for Space Research - INPE , Brazil;
Co-Chair: Mr. Timothy Cichan, Lockheed Martin Corporation, United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Norbert Frischauf, TU Graz, Austria;