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    Informing Planetary Defense




    This session will address all aspects that contribute towards informing future planetary defense, including: 1. Results from the first impact deflection test with DART (e.g., results, including ground-based observations regarding the orbital period change, physical characteristics of Didymos and Dimorphos, geology of the impact site, revised numerical modelling of DART impact, and Didymos’ dynamics based on DART impact); 2. Results from NEO sample return missions, as well as perspectives regarding ongoing and future NEO missions; 3. Legal considerations that would contribute towards the decision to act; and 4. Any other transdisciplinary research that enhances our understanding to make better decisions and increase the likelihood of a successful mitigation of an asteroid or comet impact.

    IPC members
    • Co-Chair: Mr. Daniel Mazanek, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Langley Research Center, United States;

    • Co-Chair: Prof. Alissa J. Haddaji, MIT Art, Design and Technology University, United States;

    • Rapporteur: Mr. Philipp Maier, Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany;