Paper information
- Paper code
- Order
- Room
Oranim 4 (ICC, lower level)
- Title
Towards a standardized grasping and refuelling on-orbit servicing for GEO spacecraft
- abstract
- Session
2. Enabling Technologies for Space Systems
- symposium
- congress
- Type of presentation
Mr. Alberto Medina, GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU, Spain
Mr. Angelo Tomassini, GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU, Spain;
Mr. Matteo Suatoni, GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU, Spain;
Mr. Marcos Avilés Rodrigálvarez, GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU, Spain;
Mr. Nick Solway, Moog Space & Defense Group, United Kingdom;
Dr. Ian Coxhill, Moog Space & Defense Group, United Kingdom;
Mr. Iosif S. Paraskevas, National Technical University of Athens, Greece;
Mr. Giorgos Rekleitis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece;
Prof. Evangelos Papadopoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece;
Mr. Rainer Krenn, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany;
Mr. André Brito, OHB System AG, Germany;
Mrs. Beatrice Sabbatinelli, OHB System AG, Germany;
Mr. Christian Vidal, Thales Alenia Space France, France;
Mr. Gianfranco Visentin, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands;
Mr. Sarmad Aziz, ESTEC, European Space Agency, The Netherlands;
Mr. Birk Wollenhaupt, OHB, Germany;