Paper information
- Paper code
- Order
- Room
Riverbank 3
- Title
DISCOVERER - Radical Redesign of Earth Observation Satellites for Sustained Operation at Significantly Low Altitudes
- abstract
- Session
1. Innovative and Visionary Space Systems
- symposium
- congress
- Type of presentation
Dr. Peter C.E Roberts, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Dr. Nicholas H. Crisp, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Dr. Steve Edmondson, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Dr. Sarah Haigh, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Mrs. Rachel Lyons, United Kingdom;
Dr. Vitor Oiko, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Mr. Alejandro Macario Rojas, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Dr. Katharine Smith, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Dr. Jonathan Becedas, Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems, Spain;
Mr. Gerardo González, Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems, Spain;
Ms. Irene Vázquez, Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems, Spain;
Mr. Álvaro Braña, Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems, Spain;
Ms. Kelly Antonini, GomSpace ApS, Denmark;
Mr. Kristian Bay, GomSpace ApS, Denmark;
Mr. Leonardo Ghizoni, GomSpace ApS, Denmark;
Mr. Victor Jungnell, GomSpace ApS, Denmark;
Dr. Jonas Morsbøl, GomSpace ApS, Denmark;
Mr. Tilman Binder, University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Mr. Adam Boxberger, University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Dr. Georg H. Herdrich, University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Mr. Francesco Romano, Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Mr. Stefanos Fasoulas, University of Stuttgart, Germany;
Dr. Daniel Garcia-Almiñana, UPC-BarcelonaTECH, Spain;
Dr. Silvia Rodriguez-Donaire, UPC-BarcelonaTECH, Spain;
Dr. Dhiren Kataria, University College London (UCL), United Kingdom;
Dr. Mark Davidson, The Tech Toybox, United States;
Prof. Ronald Outlaw, Mason School of Business, College of William and Mary, United States;
Ms. Badia Belkouchi, Euroconsult, France;
Mr. Alexis Conte, Euroconsult, France;
Mr. Jose Santiago Perez Cano, Euroconsult, France;
Ms. Rachel Villain, Euroconsult, France;
Ms. Barbara Heißerer, concentris research management gmbh, Germany;
Ms. Ameli Schwalber, concentris research management gmbh, Germany;