Paper information
- Paper code
- Date
- Time
- Order
- Room
Yellow Hall 2
- Title
Healing of ex vivo sutured wound models in human tissues exposed to spaceflight
- abstract
- Session
3. Medical Care for Humans in Space
- symposium
- congress
- Type of presentation
Dr. Monica Monici, University of Firenze, Italy
Dr. Francesca Cialdai, University of Firenze, Italy;
Dr. Chiara Risaliti, University of Firenze, Italy;
Prof. Paolo Cirri, University of Firenze, Italy;
Prof. Anna Caselli, University of Firenze, Italy;
Dr. Desirée Pantalone, University of Firenze, Italy;
Prof. Daniele Bani, University of Firenze, Italy;
Dr. Stefano Bacci, University of Firenze, Italy;
Dr. Marco Bernini, University of Firenze, Italy;
Prof. Lucia Morbidelli, University of Siena, Italy;
Dr. Nicola Marziliano, Università degli Studi del Molise, Italy;
Dr. Alessandra Colciago, University of Milan, Italy;
Prof. Daniela Grimm, Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany;
Dr. Jack J.W.A. Van Loon, DESC (Dutch Experiment Support Center), ACTA-Free University, The Netherlands;
Prof. Marcel Egli, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), Switzerland;
Prof. Theodoor H Smit, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Dr. Aleandro Norfini, Kayser Italia Srl, Italy;
Dr. Michele Balsamo, Kayser Italia Srl, Italy;
Dr. Michele Ghiozzi, Kayser Italia Srl, Italy;
Mr. Juergen Kempf, OHB System AG-Bremen, Germany;
Dr. Van Ombergen Angelique, ESA - European Space Agency, The Netherlands;
Dr. Christiane Hahn, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands;
Mr. Claudio Moratto, ESA, The Netherlands;
Dr. Marco Vukich, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands;
Dr. Gabriele Mascetti, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy;
Ms. Francesca Ferranti, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Italy;