Paper information
- Paper code
- Date
- Time
- Order
- Room
Green Hall 1
- Title
Aladin Laser Transmitter Test Results in the frame of Aeolus Mission End of Life Activities
- abstract
- Session
2. Earth Observation Systems
- symposium
- congress
- Type of presentation
Mrs. Valeria De Sanctis, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy
Mr. Paolo Bravetti, Airbus Defence & Space, Italy;
Mr. Alessandro D'Ottavi, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy;
Mr. Adalberto Sapia, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy;
Mr. Trismono Candra Krisna, ESA - European Space Agency, The Netherlands;
Mr. Denny Wernham, ESA - European Space Agency, The Netherlands;
Mr. Christian Lemmerz, DLR (German Aerospace Center), Germany;
Mr. Oliver Lux, DLR (German Aerospace Center), Germany;
Mr. Oliver Reitebuch, DLR (German Aerospace Center), Germany;
Mr. Sebastian Thomas Andersen, ESA - European Space Agency, Germany;
Mr. David Patterson, ESA - European Space Agency, Germany;
Mr. Viet Duc Tran, European Space Agency (ESA), Germany;
Mr. Jon Marshall, Airbus Defence & Space, United Kingdom;
Mr. Didier Bon, Airbus Defence & Space, France;
Mrs. Annkatrin Schaube, Airbus Defence & Space, France;
Mr. Geraud De Villele, Airbus Defence & Space, France;
Mrs. Sophie Jallade, Airbus Defence & Space, France;
Dr. Valentina Sacchieri, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy;
Mr. Guglielmo Landi, Leonardo S.p.A, Italy;
Dr. Alessia Mondello, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy;
Mr. Emanuele Capuano, Leonardo S.p.A., Italy;
Mr. Alberto Cosentino, Leonardo S.p.A, Italy;
Mr. Paolo Mosciarello, Leonardo Spa, Italy;
Mr. Alessandro Perna, Leonardo S.p.A, Italy;
Dr. Georgios Tzeremes, European Space Agency (ESA), Greece;
Mr. Tommaso Parrinello, ESA - European Space Agency, Italy;