Upper Stage Test Equipment of Korea Space Launch Vehicle-I
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Kwang Soo Kim, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea
- Coauthor
Mr. Soo Jin Lee, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea
- Coauthor
Dr. Eui Seung Chung, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea
- Coauthor
Dr. Jeong Joo Park, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea
- Coauthor
- Year
- Abstract
Korea Space Launch Vehicle-I (KSLV-I) is a national undertaking to develop launch capabilities to deliver satellites into a low earth orbit. In this paper, we will describe the upper stage test equipment (USTE) for KSLV-I system. The USTE was created for the remote system test of upper stage of KSLV-I. The USTE has essential functions of each onboard GSE based on umbilical interface between upper stage and USTE. The USTE consists of remote control computer for operator, PXI real-time main controller, PXI RS-422 serial communication board, PXI analog/discrete I/O control boards and two external power supplies. All equipments are remotely controlled by LAN protocol. We used LABVIEW for coding the control program of USTE. In the past programs of Korea such as Korea Sounding Rocket-III (KSR-III), we used ground support equipments of each onboard system for testing the electrical function. In this case many people and equipments were necessary for the test whenever we wanted to test the system. So we consumed a lot of time and effort inevitably for the system test. We’d like to reduce these inconveniences in the KSLV-I program. The USTE has following strong points; saving time and necessities for the system test, easy movement, flexibility of function extension, convenient test and so on. In this paper we will describe the configuration and functions of USTE and discuss its better points than past test method.
- Abstract document
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IAC-07-D1.I.12.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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