rootbrowseIAC-07D1session II. Interactive Session on Space SystemsPapers1. SAGES Advice: Apollo and Shuttle Mentors for the Constellation Program2. Mapping the Uncharted Water of using Commercial GEO Platforms for Scientific Payloads3. Comparative Analysis of Payload Capabilities of Different Variants of Spacecraft Orbital Injection4. Orbital Systems Architecture Plateau : between Specification, Technical Design and Programmatics5. EPSILON: an Innovative Fast Development Satellite6. Experimental Plan of Remote Synchronization System of Onboard Crystal Oscillators Using Quasi-Zenith Satellites7. Flexible High-Performance PPC On-Board Computer Architecture based on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology8. The Future Role of Data Architecture in Space Exploration9. Cost Reduction And Efficiency Improvements Streamlining The Design Process Of A Space Mission Via STARMAD (Space Tool For Advanced & Rapid Mission Analysis & Design)10. Teaching Space Systems Verification and Validation using EyasSAT -- Adding Reality11. Implementing Data Presentation Layer In Testing And Simulation Environments Using XML12. Upper Stage Test Equipment of Korea Space Launch Vehicle-I13. Hardware-in-the-Loop Test for Argo GPS Receiver