Cost Reduction And Efficiency Improvements Streamlining The Design Process Of A Space Mission Via STARMAD (Space Tool For Advanced & Rapid Mission Analysis & Design)
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Davide Starnone, STAR N ONE Engineering, Italy
- Year
- Abstract
The latest trend in the Space industry is to have space missions, spacecraft, systems and products, which require quick solutions for system design and software development. Fundamental aspects are: the capability of minimising the number of steps to perform a complete Space Mission Analysis and Design; the ability to evaluate and display results instantaneously; the possibility to control all complex Space Mission subjects in a concurrent manner. This paper deals with all these aspects by presenting STARMAD (Space Tool for Advanced and Rapid Mission Analysis and Design). It will illustrate how to achieve cost reduction and quality improvements by streamlining the design process through improving engineer involvement, and hence his understanding and efficiency in designing a space mission. In automatically linking all those aspects with their associated interdependencies, STARMAD is able to simplify an otherwise complex problem. Starting from the requirements, STARMAD can perform a complete Space Mission Design and can carry out fundamental Space Mission Analyses, across all levels from mission operation complexity down to individual engineering parameters. This tool gives the opportunity to quickly and easily perform the following tasks: • Orbit Analysis, in terms of Dynamics, Geometry, Manoeuvre and Maintenance, Interplanetary Transfer, and Delta-V Budget. • Observation Payload Analysis, in terms of Electromagnetic Spectrum, Optics and Sizing. • Spacecraft Subsystems Design, considering Attitude Control, Communications, Power System, Propulsion System, Structural Analysis and Thermal Control. • Launch and Transfer Vehicle Information retrieval. • Mission Operation Complexity Analysis, from the point of view of Mission Design and Planning, Flight System Design, Operational Risk Avoidance, Ground Systems. Furthermore, configuring STARMAD with an existing space mission and satellite, it is possible to check the impacts that any modifications have on a Mission, such as changes in orbit geometry, in nominal configurations, losses of power, etc. A user interface has also been built, providing an intuitive and fast method of configuration for the input parameters. Examples are given for predefined space missions.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-07-D1.I.09.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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