rootbrowseIAC-09B6session 22. New Operations ConceptsPapers1. The multi-mission operations concept at the German Space Operations Center2. An Innovative Overall Approach for Mission Operations – From Reality to New Concepts and Models3. Altair Lunar Lander Center of Gravity Management4. Automation efforts in Spacecraft Testing5. Envisat Operations Automation System - Enhancing Monitoring and Control of a LEO Spacecraft Daniel Mesples ESA/ESOC - Darmstadt, Germany6. Space Environment Information System to support Satellites Operations7. VIRTU, an open virtualization framework to test Ground Systems8. The Ground Station of the Future9. Software Tools and Approaches to Eanble International Lunar Surface Operations10. KOCUST Operation In Upgrade-Designed System for Performance Improvement of K2PS11. Condition and prospects of development of the concept of orbital service of perspective space objects.12. dynamic programming algorithm for satellite orbit task merging problem13. ATV JULES VERNE: A STEP BY STEP APPROACH FOR IN FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION OF NEW RDV TECHNOLOGIES