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  • 7. Space Law in a Networked World


    2. Does the end justify the means? A legal study on the role and consequences of normative plurality in international space governance

    3. Implications of State Authorization and Continuing Supervision to Contemporary Space Activities

    4. Whose fault is it? - Artificial Intelligence and liability in international space law

    5. Two Inhibitors to a Thriving Economy in Outer Space: Regulatory Uncertainty and Taxation Entanglement

    6. Nudging for Space

    7. Back to the Future: Space Law in a Networked World

    8. CYA: A Legal Perspective on How to do Cybersecurity in Space

    9. New Space Law Created to Enable Space Innovation While Preserving the RF Environment in Space; Notable Outcomes of the ITU’s 2019 World Radio Conference

    11. EU Integrated Approach to Space and Telecommunication Areas

    12. International regulatory and licensing schemes for telecommunication satellites in low-earth orbit to mitigate anti-competitive behaviour and manage natural monopolies

    13. Commercial Operators and Artificial Intelligence in Space: For an Alternative Jurisdiction Attribution Model and Revised Liability Regime in Space

    14. The international orders in the fourth territory: the influence of new opportunities in outer space on governance systems and Space Law- Impacts on SDG2030