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    IAC-08 — 59th International Astronautical Congress


    This Symposium organized by the International Academy of Astronautics will address the complete spectrum of technical issues of space debris: measurements and space surveillance, modeling, risk assessment in space and on the ground, reentry, hypervelocity impacts and protection, mitigation, and standards.


    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    Nicholas L. Johnson
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A6.1. Measurements and Space Surveillance

    This session will address advanced ground- and space-based measurement techniques, relating processing methods, and results on the derived spatial and temporal distribution of debris and meteoroids. This includes space surveillance concepts, their implementation and operation, and the establishment and maintenance of space object catalogs.


    Takashi Nakajima
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Thomas Schildknecht
    SwissSpace AssociationSwitzerland


    Vladimir Agapov
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RASRussian Federation

    A6.2. Modeling and Risk Analysis

    This session will address the characterization of the current and future debris population and methods for in-orbit and on-ground risk assessments. The in-orbit analysis will cover collision risk estimates based on statistical population models and deterministic catalogs and active avoidance, including evasive manoeuvres.


    Mark J. Matney
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    Carmen Pardini


    Ailyam S. Ganeshan
    ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC)India

    A6.3. Hypervelocity Impacts and Protection

    The session will address passive protection, shielding and damage predictions. Shielding aspects will be supported by experimental and computational results of HVI tests.


    Michel Lambert
    European Space Agency (ESA)The Netherlands

    Sergey Meshcheryakov
    TSNIIMASHRussian Federation


    Frank Schaefer
    Fraunhofer - Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut (EMI)Germany

    A6.4. Mitigation and Standards

    This session will focus on the definition and implementation of debris prevention and reduction measures and vehicle passive protection and shielding. The session will also address space debris mitigation guidelines and standards that exist already or are in preparation at the national or international level.


    Fernand Alby
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France

    Paula H. Krisko
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States


    Richard Crowther
    Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryUnited Kingdom

    A6.5. Measurement Projects and Modeling Aspect

    This session will focus on measurement and space surveillance projects as well as on some aspects of modeling devoted to space debris environment and risk analysis


    Akira Kato
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan

    Heiner Klinkrad
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany