rootbrowseIAC-08B3session 55. Future human space endeavours; civil and commercialPapers1. Human Space Flight Future: The Significance of Convergence of Outer Space and Cyberspace for the development of a space travel mass market.2. Evolution of Government and Industrial Partnerships to Open the Space Frontier3. Enabling science for future human space exploration endeavours.4. Piloted Operations at a Near-Earth Object (NEO)5. The Hawaiian Islands: Stepping Stones to the Stars!6. The role the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight plays in enabling the growth of human spaceflight related business enterprises.7. Surface Exploration Metrics of a Long Duration Polar Analogue Study: Implications for Future Moon and Mars Missions8. HUMAN EXPLORATION ON PHOBOS & DEIMOS9. Lessons Learned from Analogue Mars Surface Suits: Applications for Next Generation Analogue Suits and Moon-Mars Surface Suits10. A Systematic Crew Selection Process For Mars Analogue Training Expeditions11. Liability in relation to injuries suffered by space tourists12. Dancing on the Moon: Athletic and Aesthetic Performance as a Low-Gravity-Enabled Social and Business Phenomenon