A pragmatic Approach for Knowledge Management
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Siegmar Pallaschke, European Space Agency (ESA), Germany
- Coauthor
Ms. Roberta Mugellesi-Dow, European Space Agency (ESA), Germany
- Year
- Abstract
Co-Authors: Gino Armuzzi ( Mercer Company, Milan, Italy), Roberta Mugellesi-Dow (ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany) Within the past years several steps were undertaken towards the introduction of a knowledge management system at ESOC, the European Space Operations Centre. During the previous year a pilot project was initiated within the Flight Dynamics area (a key technical domain within ESOC taking care of the orbit- and attitude aspects for the satellite operations) with respect to the questions of knowledge transfer and its barriers. Based on the positive outcome of this pilot project a fundamental knowledge management approach was commenced in November 2007. The basic steps within the current fundamental knowledge management approach are the coverage- and criticality analysis of the individual technical domains of ESOC. The individual technical domains of ESOC are briefly described in the subsequent paragraph. ESOC is located at Darmstadt, Germany and is an establishment of the European Space Agency (ESA). ESOC is responsible for the operations of the European satellites. These operations include the following major technical domains (only the technical ones are mentioned here): - Set up of ground stations, communications network between the ground stations and ESOC, as well as the entire operations; - Mission control systems; - Flight mechanics covering the celestial and the spacecraft dynamic part and the - Actual mission operations (spacecraft/ payload). The knowledge management approach includes the breakdown of the technical domains in knowledge areas, fields and components. The definition of the roles and responsibilities such as the technical domain assistant, the knowledge area leader and the core team is an essential part of the pragmatic approach. As mentioned above, the basic steps within the current fundamental knowledge management approach are the coverage- and criticality analysis of the individual technical domains of ESOC. Of course the set-up for this analysis could not be obtained off the shelf, it had to be designed for the ESOC spacecraft operations environment specifically. The design was driven by the goals of completeness and correctness and on this basis the necessary forms/ questionnaires were worked out. However, it was experienced that the detailed coverage analysis caused too many hurdles and hence numerous iterations were carried out before a compromise between effort required and information provided could be found. Simplicity was the term which made the process working. The proposed contribution will describe the initial design of the coverage- and criticality analysis as well as the end product. The changes and the reasoning for the changes will be outlined. Based on this practical experience guidelines will be derived for the introduction of a knowledge management system and in particular for the coverage analysis. The proposed paper will also show the results of the analysis.
- Abstract document
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