rootbrowseIAC-08D5session 22. Quality and Knowledge Management in Aerospace CompaniesPapers1. Status of working group on knowledge management for space systems2. Enabling Innovation and Collaboration Across Geography and Culture: A Case Study of NASA's Systems Engineering Community of Practice3. Applying Knowledge Management to an Organizational Transformation4. Driving Knowledge Management and Innovation at Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne5. Critical Success Factors required for Knowledge Management and Collaboration6. Knowledge Management for ESA’s Rosetta Mission8. A pragmatic Approach for Knowledge Management9. International Knowledge Transfer - an engineering perspective10. studying the role of narrative across aerospace knowledge management systems11. Software Dependability \& Safety12. Experience In Making An Analysis Of Safety and Fail-Safety Of “Proton” Launcher During Satellite Orbital Injection13. information modeling of spacecraft failure diagnosis system based on integrated space-ground conception