rootbrowseIAC-08E1session 11. “Hands-On” Space EducationPapers1. A Spacecraft Simulator as an Educational Tool for the New Generation of Aerospace Professionals2. esa hands-on projects education strategy3. The CNES parabolic flight campaigns opportunities for pupils and students. From scientific education to the triggering of a professional vocation?4. REXUS and BEXUS – a Swedish–German co-operation for University Student Experiments on Rockets and Balloons5. The Dutch CanSat competition: How 350 secundary school pupils compete to build the most innovative 'satellite' in a soda can.6. Mission Analysis of the HiNCube Pico Satellite Project7. Expresso and Perseus: Student-led Innovation in Space Systems’ Projects8. University High Power Rocketry at Woomera Rocket Range Australia9. POLIMI-DIA Concurrent Design Facility to train future system engineers10. RiBB Schoolsat Programme - First results of how to use university satellites to encurage secondary school students to pursue technical careers.11. Tomatosphere: Involving Young Students in the Life Support Needs of Future Astronauts12. Educational Ground Station Based on Software Defined Radio