The CNES parabolic flight campaigns opportunities for pupils and students. From scientific education to the triggering of a professional vocation?
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Nicolas Pillet, France
- Coauthor
Mr. Pierre-Louis Contreras, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France
- Year
- Abstract
Each year, the CNES (French Space Agency) organises 2 parabolic flights campaigns dedicated to scientific community, for microgravity experimentation in a large range of scientific topics: biology, medical and new space technologies. On both annual campaigns, 3 slots are dedicated to education, offering to pupils from (15 to 18 years old) and students (18 years old and more) the possibility to prepare and validate on flight, experimentation in link with the microgravity. Each year, this is more than 50 pupils and students who are concerned by this CNES initiative in the education field. After a general presentation of the parabolic flight conditions offered by the Airbus A300 – 0g from NOVESPACE, the paper will focus on the CNES policy concerning this investment dedicated to scientific education in this specific field of microgravity. The way to select the pupils (and relevant teachers) and students teams, the planning, of the preparation of the experiments including the associated key points with CNES/ NOVESPACE will be highlighted. The strong interest to mix scientific teams with pupils / students will be assessed. Typical example of pupils and students experiments, taken form the most recent campaigns will be presented, illustrated and discussed. Finally, the interest of such initiative, for both CNES and the future generations of scientific will be discussed and supporting by the authors, who see in this proposal, a real chance for young persons who may have, through this experience, a concrete opportunity to meet their future vocation in the scientific field.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-08.E1.1.3.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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