rootbrowseIAC-08E6session 33. Synergy of Entrepreneurship, Investment, Government, and IndustryPapers1. Entrepreneurship and Investment: Increasing International Interest2. Automation and Robotics - An essential Component of entrepreneurship and innovation in space exploration3. Commercial Development Policy of the NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate4. INTERACTION BETWEEN INDUSTRY, GOVERNMENT, AND PRIVATE INVESTORS : IT IS A QUESTION OF POSITIONG IN THE VALUE CHAIN5. Innovations in International Entrepreneurial Space6. The X Factor: How Prize Money Can Drive Innovation7. Imaginative Partnerships: The Internal and External Realities of a Value Network Organization8. Lessons Learned from Historical Exploration: The Significance of the Emerging Space Economy for the Development of Sustainable Space Exploration9. The Role of Space Based Networks in Expanding Grameen Type Microcredit Through Systems Engineering, Social Business Entrepreneurs and International Wholesale Funds10. PISCES: An International Incubator for Entrepreneurship in Space Exploration and Settlement11. Market growth foresight of commercial suborbital space flight in Asia12. Encouraging appropriate partnerships with the emerging commercial space sector -- How NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program is contributing to achieving NASA 5th Strategic Goal.13. Government / Commercial Synergy