rootbrowseIAC-13B6session 11. Human Spaceflight OperationsPapers1. Augmented Reality Study for Assisting Crew Operation in Space2. Mobile Augmented Reality for Space Operation Procedures: A Generic Approach of Authoring and Guiding On-Board Payload Activities3. A Hybrid Dynamical System Method for Modeling Astronauts’ Complex Operations during Extravehicular Activity4. INCREMENT PREPARATION AND EXECUTION AT COLUMBUS CONTROL CENTER5. CADMOS : 20 years of microgravity operations6. from institutional logistics carrier to commercial logistics to the ISS: a challenge and an opportunity.7. Specific Features of Transport Vehicle Operations Planning for Standard and Fast ISS Rendezvous Profiles8. A Visualization Simulation Platform of Cognitive Workload and Performance Analysis for Space Operations9. the italian spacegate: study and innovative approaches to future generation transportation based on high altitude flight10. INSURING QUALITY AND SAFETY IN A COST CONSTRAINED ENVIRONMENT FOR DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE SPACE TOURISM BUSINESS : TRADE OFF POSSIBILITIES?