rootbrowseIAC-16A4session 11. SETI 1: SETI Science and TechnologyPapers1. Advancing SETI search methods at near-infrared and optical wavelengths2. A search for Spatially Unresolved Laser Emission in Keck Hires Spectroscopy3. The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life Beyond the Earth4. SETI@home in 2016-Progress, Plans and a Deluge of Data5. Initial results of UCLA SETI observations6. SETI observation with the RATAN-600 telescope in 2015 year and detection of a strong signal in the direction of HD1645957. SETI in the solar neighborhood with LOFAR8. A real-time FFT-KLT implementation for SETI research at Sardinia Radio Telescope9. Astrobiology with The Large Millimeter Telescope10. What’s in a signal anyway: Lessons from studying nonhuman communication signals.