rootbrowseIAC-16B2session 77. Advanced Space Communications and Navigation SystemsPapers1. Advanced High Throughput Communication Satellites2. A Study of HTS Network Load Optimization Based on Subscribers Behavior Analysis3. LEO-to-Ground Optical Communications using SOTA (Small Optical TrAnsponder) –Payload Verification Results and Experiments on Space Quantum Communications–4. Study on Development of Next Generation Data Relay Satellite System5. From Prototype Technology to Flight: Infusing the Frontier Radio into Space Missions6. Dynamic compensation of deteriorated antenna pattern by deformation of large deployable reflector of mobile communication satellite.7. INTER SATELLITE COMMUNICATION MODULES FOR ARAMIS SMALL SATELLITES8. The Italian approach for civil aviation: the adoption of new navigation systems and applications9. Sensability and Excitability Metrics Applied to Navigation Systems Assessment10. Handoff Management and Performance Optimization of Satellite Network Based on Cross-layer Design and Network Coding11. The evaluation results of signal processor section of the satellite communication facilities under condition of a very rough radio environment12. Research on compensation for scale factor of rate biased RLG Position and Orientation System