rootbrowseIAC-16B2session 8-GTS.38-GTS.3. Space Communications and Navigation Global Technical SessionPapers1. The GPS L1 acquisition-tracking transition method of high sensitivity and dynamic for HEO orbit2. Development of Navigation Satellite System and Application Characteristic Analysis3. Grounds for Turkish Data Relay System4. Research on Design of Satellite Navigation Signal Structure5. Study on Development of Next Generation Data Relay Satellite System6. Simulation of information transfer on quantum-based satellite network7. A low-cost mobile ground station for satellite communication in VHF band8. COMPARISON BETWEEN GENERATION OF ANALOG AND DIGITAL QPSK MODULATION FOR SATELLITES COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS9. FPGA Implementation Of A High Throughput Error Correcting Tele-command Decoder10. Business beyond the 70s, a cost-effective approach to the Arctic