The potential commercialization of China’s space station and its relevance to space law
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- Coauthor
Mr. Jie Long, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Year
- Abstract
According to the China National Space Administration (CNSA), China is targeting 2022 for the orbiting of its space station - CSS, which will enable China as the third country that has independently constructed and operated a space station, and provide a good opportunity for the commercialization of China’s long-term space project. In this article, the possible commercial utilizations of the CSS will be analyzed and corresponding theoretical legal basis will be discussed in an international context. First, an introduction on the commercialization of space stations and its relevance to the international space law regime will be provided. Specifically, four space treaties will be examined in the context of prevailing commercial space activities; in particular, by taking into consideration private entities, commercial utilization, treaty terminology, and national licensing/supervision. Then, the fundamental space principles which are most closely related to the commercialization of the CSS will be the focus, and their significance and effectiveness in a space era that is rapidly changing will be the focal points, additionally, possible resolutions for upgrading these principles are also proposed and examined. This article concludes by pinpointing that it is feasible for the CSS commercialization to be regulated by the existing international space legal framework, and moreover, supporting national space legislation should be established to guarantee the sustainable development of the CSS in the ever changing space environment.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document