rootbrowseIAC-16E7session IPIP. Interactive PresentationsPapers1. Reducing Launch Costs – The Legal Basis of Aerial and Suborbital Satellite Launches.2. Reconsideration of Patent Rights: A Reality Check for Outer Space Inventions3. Public System of Ownership for Galileo Satellites: Issues of Responsibility, Liability and Registration4. Law & Policy Collide in Space5. The potential commercialization of China’s space station and its relevance to space law6. Distinguishing On-Orbit Jurisdiction from Space Traffic Management in the American regulatory context7. Policy Implications from the 4th ISU SSP Mars Treatymaking Workshop8. Investment Protections for Space Mining Operations: ensuring the benefits of space for all9. Satellite jamming, human rights protection and national security10. ON-ORBIT TRANSFER OF SATELLITES BETWEEN STATES: LEGAL ISSUES-WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON LIABILITY AND REGISTRATION11. Making an exception in the international law on the weaponization of space for the mitigation of NEOs. An Arms Race in Space?12. Cooperation among BRICS in space matter: a review of Brazilian agreements13. Space Law and Human Rights: The Future in its Convergence14. the relationship between appropriation and ownership in the context of international space law15. The mineral rights in outer space mining16. legal challenges of cyber security in space17. applicable normative to international space criminal law18. Commercialisation of Remote Sensing Activities: A Need for an international Treaty19. the impact of space related non governmental organisations in developing space law and policy and space exploration20. asteroid mining: the law awakens21. National Space Law: the case of France and New Challenges for Space Activities22. State Responsibility and Liability in Space Law vis a vis General International Law23. Asteroid Mining & Its Legal Implications24. Shaping a Legal System for China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System25. Legality of Non-cooperative Satellite Removal26. The U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act and the Outer Space Treaty: A contradiction or a lacuna?27. Is non-existence of a treaty equal to ineffective treaty? An Examination on the Application of the Moon Agreement28. the u.s. space act of 2015 and the private international law: from intellectual property rights to property rights in space29. New Implications of Lunar Exploitation and Moon Agreement30. Legal Approach to the Exploitation of Natural Resources of the Asteroid by the Non-Governmental Sector: an Analysis from the Perspective of China31. A New Era for Spacefaring Nations: Mining the Way to a Doctrinal Resolution to Property Rights in Space32. Mining in Outer Space: Sovereignty, Jurisdiction and Property Rights (Un-)Reconciled33. Unpredictable Future? ----The Principle in Outer Space Treaty on Space Resources Mining and National Commercial Space Legislation34. Patents in Outer Space: An Approach to the Legal Framework of Future Inventions35. small satellites leo constellations: adaptation of the regulatory regime and development perspectives36. the environmental impact of space tourism: a legal guideline