applicable normative to international space criminal law
- Paper number
- Coauthor
Mr. Víctor Iván Coello Marcelín, Mexico
- Year
- Abstract
As space exploration becomes more and more viable and further discoveries in all fields of science allow us to reach into new and exciting possibilities, we have to be prepared for all the challenges that such endeavors, both old and new, will bring. Here the intention is to privilege the fact that criminal law preserve a legal right, that is the integrity of the aerial space of each country,the right of mankind to a clean and unpolluted space environment, and to the application of international laws and rights to guarantee a civil development among nations. This is of vital importance as time and again we've seen the problems that the lack of a clear and defined legislature in the field brings problems that might become international crisis, and thus we need to be prepared for all eventualities that we might face in our pursuit of new horizons. The goal of this presentation is to define and suggest possible means to solve criminal actions by nations or individuals,to punish by fines, prohibitions or other punitive actions, those who having the capacity to avoid an environmental disaster in space don't do so by negligence or deliberate action, and thus, to introduce applicable normative to space law in criminal law, to introduce punitive faculties to the member nations on their civil actions in space and thus, one of the goals of space law, that is, to regulate human conduct in the matter of space activities, will be achieved. By studying different legal conflicts that have arisen in the past decades between nations to find possible solutions to those conflicts in the matter of liability and the protection of nations rights to solve these conflicts peacefully and in accordance to international law.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document